Unit 17: The desert and the jungle   Ezlb9t10
Unit 17: The desert and the jungle   Ezlb9t10

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Unit 17: The desert and the jungle

مؤسس المنتدى

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Unit 17: The desert and the jungle   Empty
Unit 17: The desert and the jungle   Clock13 2012-04-20, 7:36 am

Unit 17: The desert and the jungle: Part 2

Meaning Word Meaning Word
علم الأحياء/عالم أحياء biology/biologist نافذة العرض shop window
لحسن الحظ/لسوء الحظ fortunately/unfortunately محل الكترونيات electronic shop
واحة/واحات oasis/oases مشغل اسطوانات CD player
بالقرب nearby حكمة proverb
قرية village صمت silence
حشرة insect طين mud
مفقود lost امن safe
مجنون out of mind مريح/غير مريح comfortable/uncomfortable
إبصار sight بطارية torch
مدرس تربية رياضية sports teacher وميض flash
حقيبة case مذاق طيب good taste
بلوفر jumper مرآة mirror
التسوق shopping جميل pretty

Past participle Past Meaning Present
calmed down calmed down يهدئ calm down
minded minded يمانع mind
pointed to pointed to يشير إلى point to
appeared appeared يظهر appear
missed missed يفقد miss
died died يموت die
injured injured يصيب/يجرح injure
protected protected يحمى protect
pressed pressed يضغط على press
hurt hurt يصيب/يجرح hurt
woken woke يستيقظ wake
worn wore يرتدى wear

جدا لدرجة أن 1- so … that
Subject + verb + so + adjective or adverb + that + subject + verb
• She didn’t buy the mobile phone because it was very expensive.
• The questions are very hard, so I can t answer them.
• He ran very quickly and won the race.
جدا .... لدرجة أن 2- too + adj. + to
Subject + verb + too + adj. + to + inf.
• The mobile was too expensive to buy it.
التعبير عن السبب والنتيجة 3- expressing cause and result
• تستخدم because أمام السبب و so أمام النتيجة
• He couldn’t write because he had lost his pen.
• He had lost his pen so he couldn’t write.
4- either – neither
1- تستخدم فى نهاية جملة منفية مطابقة فى المعنى جملة منفية أخرى سابقة (عكس too التى تستخدم فى الإثبات)
• Ali khan t swim. I can’t swim, either.
2- جزء من الرابط (either … or) (أما ... أو)
تربط جملتين بهما احتمالين احدهما صحيحا، توضع either أمام احتمال و or أمام الآخر مع حذف التكرار.
• I will wash the dishes or I will sweep the floor.
1- تستخدم وحدها لنفى جملة ويأتى بعدها فعل مفرد.
• Neither boy has come.
• Neither of them is clever.
2- جزء من الرابط (neither … nor) (لا .... ولا) وهذا الرابط تتكون جملته كالتالى:
Subject + neither + affirmative verb 1 … nor + affirmative verb 2

1- إذا كان فعلا الجملة من الأفعال العادية فإنهما يأتيان بعد neither و nor.
She neither cooked nor cleaned the house.
2- إذا كان فعل الجملة من الأفعال المساعدة فانه ياتى قبل neither ولا يتكرر مع nor
He was neither tired nor hungry.
إذا كان فعل الجملة يتكون من فعل مساعد وفعل رئيسى مثل أفعال الأزمنة
المستمرة والتامة والمستقبل فإننا نضع neither بينهما ولا يتكرر المساعد
مع nor
Adel has neither played nor watched TV.
4- عند وجود فاعلان وفعل واحد نقدم neither أمام الفاعل الأول و nor أمام الثانى وفعل الجملة يتبع الفاعل الثانى.
Neither Ahmed nor Ali played tennis.
كلا من (both … and)
فاعل واحد • Samir both did his homework and ironed his shirts.
فاعلان • Both Hassan and Samy are friends.
الضمائر المنعكسة 5- Relative pronouns
myself – himself – herself – yourself – itself
ourselves – themselves – yourselves – oneself
1- عندما يكون الفاعل هو المفعول
• They blamed themselves for the crash.
• She was herself in the mirror.
2- للتوكيد
• I saw him do it myself.
• I myself saw him do it.
3- عندما نقول أن الشخص قام بالعمل وحدة بدون مساعدة وتساوى فى المعنى:
(alone – on (someone s own) – without help)
• He did everything by himself.
• She travelled to Italy by herself.
ونضع by قبل الضمير المنعكس فى هذه الحالة.
4- مع بعض التعبيرات مثل:
Enjoy themselves – behave yourself/yourselves – make yourself/yourselves at home
help yourself/yourselves
لاحظ: لا تستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف جر المكان مثل ((near – in front of – next to

1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Nada and her father:
Father: What are you doing Nada?
Nada: ………………………… (1) …………………. .
Father: ………………………. (2) ………………….?
Nada: To my pen friend Marry in England.
Father: What is her nationality?
Nada: …………………………. (3) ………………..

2) Choose the correct answer:
1- Martin went into the (season – tree – jungle – pool) to take a photo.
2- The tree is (as – so – very – too) high that he can’t climb it.
3- Pam was (happy – worried – pleased – delighted) about her absent husband.
4- As he was (drive – drove – driving – drives) fast, he hit an old man.
5- After mum had (seasoned – flashed – burnt – ate) the soup, it became tasty.
6- He (either – neither – that – so) checked the e-mail nor collected the children from school.
7- Do you (object – mind – refuse – decide) to lending me a camera, please?
8- She (used – is using – is used – uses) to cooking in the evening.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Maha fed her little brother and took him to school. (not only)
2- Dad was very sick, so he didn’t go to work. (so ….. that)
3- Mary fell over. She was climbing up the stairs. (As)
4- He made up his mind to buy a car. (decided)

4) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- A desert is full of thick trees, plants and animals.
2- He fell up his bike and was injured.
3- Mona used to staying alone at home.
4- Ali not only has driven fast, but he has also hit a child.

5- Write a letter to your friend, Gorge who lives in London telling him you will go there to do postgraduate studies.
Guiding points:
- Start the letter.
- Ask how things are.
- tell him why you will go there.
- Ask him to find a house for you.
- Ask him to write back.

Unit 18: Getting ready for exams

Meaning Word Meaning Word
واثق من confident of امتحان exam
نتيجة result فيلم تاريخى historical film
طاقة energy مراجعة revision
حمام toilet جدول timetable
أخيرا finally راحة /فسحة break
متعلم learner تخطيط planning
رسم توضيحى diagram مفيد useful
من خلال through بدقة carefully
عقل mind مريح comfortable
قصيدة rhyme طعام صحى healthy diet
نشيط active مشروبات غازية fizzy drinks
درجات جيدة good marks قواعد/قوانين rules
مسترخى/مستريح relaxed عصبى nervous

Past participle Past Meaning Present
compared compared يقارن compare
traded traded يتاجر trade
exported exported يصدر export
imported imported يستورد import
prepared prepared يعد /يجهز prepare
concentrated on concentrated on يركز على concentrate on
prepared for the exams prepared for the exams يستعد للامتحان prepare for the exams
discussed discussed يناقش discuss
done a test did a test يؤدى اختبار do a test
made sure made sure يتأكد make sure
asked for a drink asked for a drink يطلب مشروب ask for a drink
followed rules followed rules يتبع قواعد follow rules
worried about worried about يقلق على worry about
checked checked يفحص check
got to got to يصل إلى get to
copied copied ينسخ copy
added added يضيف add
Language functions
النصيحة 1- advice
نعطى النصيحة بأكثر من طريقة:
1- You should + infinitive …
2- If I were you, I would + infinitive …
3- You would better + infinitive …
ونضع not بعد هذه التعبيرات فى حالة النفى
النصيحة فى الماضى past advice
النصيحة فى الماضى نستخدم should + have + pp
الراى 2- Opinion
لإعطاء الراى نقول:
1- I think …
2- In my opinion …
الموافقة على الراى
1- I agree
2- I think so
1- I don’t agree
2- I disagree
3- I don’t think so

1) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend of yours tells you he/she hasn’t studied well for the exam. Advise him/her.
2- You are very sleepy and you can’t complete the film. Express this result to your sister.
3- Tell your friend the reason for not attending his sister’s wedding party.
4- You are a boss and one of the employees is doing something wrong. Give him instructions.

2) Read and match:

a- that I read it over and over again. ( )
b- she had finished school. ( )
c- gone to bed earlier. ( )
d- I’d revise for the exam. ( )
e- he had bought a present for his mum’s birthday. ( )
f- don’t waste your time. ( ) 1- Maraw should have
2- If I were you,
3- Mohammed told his dad that
4- By the time Mai joined the university,
5- The story is so exciting

3) Choose the correct answer:
1- If you (make – plan – draw – wash) your work, you will certainly succeed.
2- It was so fine (what – which – that – then) we spent the whole day outdoors.
3- A/An (unhealthy – healthy – strange – unusual) diet is necessary for everyone.
4- You should have (help – helping – helped – helps) mum with the cleaning.
5- hard-working people should take short (holidays – breaks – sleep – travels) during
their work every day.
6- If I were you, I (can – will – ’ll – ’d) work harder.
7- When are you going to (make – do – help – decide) your final exams?
8- The student is (sow – saw – so – sea) clever that teachers love him.
9- You will be able to answer the questions if you just (press – lit – concentrate – worry).
10- Ramy’d (good – well – better – best) start to revise early for his exams.
11- People think in different (streets – roads – ways – places).
12- It’s (two – to – also – too) hot to go out shopping today, Sally.
13- I’m (hopeless – useless – useful – hopeful) about his exams. I think he will leave work.
14- (Doing – Do – Did – Does) your work carefully, or you will leave work.
15- May I (answer – write – ask – concentrate) for a drink?
16- He failed the test (although – so – because – however) he didn’t study hard.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- You should concentrate on your work. (if)
2- The bus left very early, so I couldn’t catch it. (so … that)
3- It was lazy of Amr not to do his homework. (should have)
4- He was too angry to talk to. (No one could)
5- If I were you, I’d buy a present for my sister’s birthday. (should)
6- Many countries buy our crops. (export)
7- He lost his money because he wasn’t careful. (should have)
8- It’s too cold for us to go swimming. (so … that)

4) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- This is a good book with useless information.
2- When I were you, I’d get up earlier.
3- Didn’t make such a silly mistake again.
4- I watched a nice history film yesterday.
5- Dad can’t has gone to Suez by car.
6- Noha had to watering the plants yesterday.
7- Be carefully when you cross a busy street.

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