انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2Unit 16: The desert and the jungle   Ezlb9t10
	 انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2Unit 16: The desert and the jungle   Ezlb9t10

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انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2Unit 16: The desert and the jungle

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	 انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2Unit 16: The desert and the jungle   Clock13 2012-04-20, 7:37 am

Unit 16: The desert and the jungle: Part 1

Meaning Word Meaning Word
بمفرده alone صحراء desert
آثار أقدام footprints اكتشاف discovery
عالى loud شجرة النخيل palm tree
كثيف thick نوع من أنواع النخيل argun palm
تماما completely لوحة توضيحية wall chart
مخيف/خائف fearful غابة كثيفة jungle
بوذى/بوذية Buddhist/Buddhism مقبرة tomb
بضائع goods ارجوانى purple
موقع location تاجر trader
ميدان square كنز treasure
زراعة agriculture ثلث one third
مبتل wet مسافر/رحالة traveller
مرور traffic شائع common
واردات/صادرات imports/exports مصور photographer
مسلم Muslim بمحاذاة/على طول along
منطقة/مساحة area عاصمة capital
معبد temple شلال waterfall
قرى صيد fishing villages حريص careful
رطب humid/damp بصعوبة/قليل جدا hardly
ملئ بالأمل hopeful سكان population

Past participle Past Meaning Present
traded traded يتاجر trade
brought brought يحضر bring
worried worried يقلق worry
exported exported يصدر export
imported imported يستورد import
located located يقع/يحدد موقع locate
got dark got dark يظلم get dark
surprised surprised يفاجئ surprise
missed missed لم يلحق ب/يفقد miss
reported reported يبلغ عن report
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
shined shined يسطع / يلمع shine
Language Notes
1- hard/hardly
• صعب – بجد hard (adj.) • قليل جدا – بصعوبة hardly
• It’s a …….. work.
• He works ……….. to pass his exams.
• There is ………. any water in the glass.
• Raise your voice. I can ………. hear you.
2- Forest – jungle
• غابة forest – أدغال /أحراش • (غابات كثيفة) jungle
3- (discovery – invention)
• اكتشاف (الكشف عن شيء كان موجود من قبل) discovery
• اختراع (شيء لم يكن موجودا مثل الكومبيوتر) invention
4- (over – above – on)
• فوق (عموديا دون ملامسة) over
• He held the umbrella over his head.
• فوق مستوى سطح البحر above (above sea level)
• على (مع وجود تلامس مع الشئ ) on
On the table – wall – floor
5- (under – below)
• تحت (مسافة قريبة) under (under the table)
• تحت (مسافة بعيدة – مستوى البحر) below (below sea level)
6- (cold – cool)
بارد باعتدال cool – بارد cold
ليس فقط ... ولكن أيضا ... 1- not only … but … also
الحالة الاولى: يكون هناك فاعل واحد للجملة.
ا- إذا كان الفعل مساعد تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + auxiliary verb + not only … but + subject 1 + auxiliary verb + also ..
• Abd El Wahab was a singer. He was a composer.
2- إذا لم يكن بالجملة فعل مساعد (زمن المضارع البسيط والماضى البسيط) تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + (do – does – did) not only + infinitive … but + subject 1 + also + verb …
• Ali wrote a letter. He posted it.

• Ramy plays tennis. He writes poetry.
• They export crops. They import cars.
3- إذا كان بالجملة فعل مساعد وفعل رئيسى (كما فى الأزمنة المستمرة والتامة) والمستقبل تتركب الجملة كالتالى:
Subject 1 + auxiliary verb + not only + main verb … but + subject 1 + auxiliary verb + also + main verb
• Hoda will do the housework. She will study.
• Radaw has eaten fruit. She has drunk juice.
الحالة الثانية: إذا كان بالجملة فاعلان
Not only + subject 1 …, but also + subject 2 + verb
• Mona is a student. Samira is a student.
• He is a doctor. I am a doctor.
لاحظ الفعل فى هذه الحالة يتبع الفاعل الثانى.
2- verb + (to infinitive) or verb + (v – ing)
أولا: أفعال تأخذ بعدها to + infinitive
want – ask – invite – help – would like – would prefer – decide – used to – would rather

ثانيا: أفعال تأخذ بعدها (v – ing)
enjoy – avoid – imagine – fancy – like – love – prefer – regret – go – suggest – mind – look forward to – aspire to – be used to

ملحوظة: الصفات التى ياتى بعدها حرف جر نضع بعدها v- ing
interested in – good at – bad at – worried about – excited about – fond of
language Functions
التعبير عن المشاعر Expressing feelings

القلق worry الأمل hope الدهشة surprise الخوف Fear
1- I m rather worried about …
2- I m a bit concerned about …
اننى قلق بشدة على ...
1- I hope you get well soon.
أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل.
2- I hope you find …
3- I hope you will be better soon.
أتمنى أن تشفى قريبا.
4- I hope you … 1- Good heavens!
يا الهى
2- What a (lovely) surprise!
يالها من مفاجئة 1- I m afraid of
2- I m terrified of
3- I m frightened of
اننى خائف من

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- I (bought – brought – sold – saw) the pictures I had taken at the party to show them to you.
2- She has (hard – hardly – quietly – recently) eaten anything all day.
The rising (agriculture – irrigation – population – education) doesn’t –
help the government make life better.
4- Be (quite – quit – quiet – quietly), please. The baby is asleep.
5- What (amount – number – size – areas) shoes, sir? – 43.
6- He’s looking forward (to hear – to hearing – hear – hearing) from you.
7- Lamia didn’t only (brushed – brushes – brushing – brush) her teeth, but she also washed her dress.
8- (As soon as – During – By the time – While) cycling, he ran into a lorry.
9- The area of this city is one thousand (cubic – square – long – far) kilometers.
10- Dalia used (write – writing – to write – to writing) with a pencil when she was young.
11- I'm (hopeless – hopeful – fearful – worried) about him. He is going to be all right.
12- She said she (will – has – had – would) come to the party the next day.
13- (History – Maths – Geography – Science) deals with the earth, continents and countries.
14- The Red Sea is (on – to – in – at) the east of Egypt.
15- The country has a/an (location – production – area – population) of two million people.
16- He won’t only travel abroad, but he will (too – to – also – two) get married.
17- He is used to (do – doing – did – to doing) his homework in the evening.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- First, he exercised, then he had a shower. (As soon as)
2- Sahar bought meat and cooked it. (not only)
3- I want very much to start my new project. (look forward to)
4- She was in the habit of wasting money but now she isn’t. (used to)
5- He travelled to Luxor and made a tour there. (not only)
6- I hope I will buy a new computer. (look forward to)
7- What a pity! I couldn’t go to the party. (wanted)
8- She almost never goes to the club. (hardly)
3) Read and correct the underlined words:

1- What is the location of Egypt? – More than 70,000,000 people.
2- I’d like going to the circus.
3- Did the police find any footprints on the wall.
4- Noha is used to stay up late.
5- Rawia told me she has made a mistake.
6- Bangkok is the capital of Malaysia.
7- He didn’t only came late, but he also forgot his books
8- A desert is a hot area with lots of trees and animals.

4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You visit a sick friend. Express hope.
2- Your brother hasn’t come back home yet. Express worry.
3- There’s a mad dog outside your house. Say how afraid you are.
4- "I enjoyed the party a lot." Report what Mona said.
5- Your dad is going to have an operation. Express worry.
6- You tell a friend you think you're going to win a prize. Express hope.
7- You meet a friend you haven’t met for a long time.
8- Your boss offers you a new job with more money.

5) Read the following, then answer the questions:
My name is Farid. I was born in Cairo and I live in Aswan. I am in a
prep school. I will go to secondary school when I succeed this year. I'm
very much interested in my study. I am pleased because I always get
high marks in English. This will help me when I join the university
because many interesting subjects are taught in English. Mr. Murad is
teacher of English. He is still young, but he is a very
clever teacher. All the pupils in the class like him very much. He helps
us to understand our lessons well and to speak all the time in English
in the class. I hope to join the faculty of Engineering after finishing
secondary school, but I don't like to have a job in a government office.
I like to be free and have work of my own like my father and my
cousin Ali. When my cousin Ali finished his studies at the university
ten years ago, he started a small business. He opened a small
supermarket in our street. Then, after two years, he opened another
larger one. Three years ago, he opened the third one. All the family are
proud of Ali and his success.
A) Answer the following questions :
1-Why doesn't Farid want to have a job in a government office
2- Which faculty does Farid want to join?
3- What makes Farid like his teacher of English very much?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4- Ali is Farid's .........................
a) teacher b) brother c) father d) cousin
5- Farid lives in .............................
a) Aswan b) Cairo c) Giza d) Luxor
6- Ali opened the third supermarket .......................years ago.
a) seven b) ten c) three d) two

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