test of inglish 4am Ezlb9t10
test of inglish 4am Ezlb9t10

الرئيسيةالرئيسية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  
اشترك في القائمة البريدية ليصلك جديدنا :
آخر المواضيع
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test of inglish 4am

مؤسس المنتدى

السٌّمعَة : 0
نقاط : 22423
test of inglish 4am Empty
test of inglish 4am Clock13 2012-02-08, 12:34 am

Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

Thurs, October 25th, 2007

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the biggest meal in England? *....................................
2-What time do the English people start work? *............................
3- Do they have lunch at home? * ...........................................
4- Where do they usually have dinner? * ...................................
5- Give a title to the text. * ...............................................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (2pts)
a little ‡ .......... without ‡ ........... go ‡ .......... never ‡.............
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(1pt)
They E ..................... Which E .....................
B- Complete with tag questions: (4pts)
1- The English people have a big breakfast, .......... ......... ?
2- They don’t have lunch at home, ...... ......... ?
3- Give me some water, ...... ........ ?
4- You liked the food, ........ ........ ?
C- Cross the letter you don’t pronounce (Silent letters)(2pts)
knife – lamb – dinner – bread – often - half
Part Two: Write a paragraph about Algerian meals. (6 pts)
In Algeria, .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
November 22nd, 2007

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the text about? *...................................................
2- Can scientists clone plants and animals? *..................................
3- Who, do you think, could clone plants first? * ............................
4- When did the first cloned animal appear? * ...............................
5- Where was “Dolly” cloned? * ..............................................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1,5pts)
began= ................anxious= ................make copies= ..................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1,5pts)
in the past‡ .................modern‡ ...............the last ‡.................
Section Two:A-What does the underlined word in the text refer to?(1pt)
its E .....................
B- Turn these sentences into the passive form: (3pts)
1- Scientists can make copies of plants.
E .........................................................................
2- Ancient Greeks cloned plants.
E .......................................................................... C- How many syllables do these words consist of:(Write 1-2-3):(2pts)
copies – plants – animals – cloning – adult – people - scientists
.... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Part Two: Find the questions:(6pts)
A: .........scientists............copies of animals?
B: Yes, they can.
A: ........................................?
B: We call this :Cloning”.
B: No, they haven’t cloned a human being, yet?
Name : ................................ Class: .......... N: .... Mark:


Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A-Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.(3pts)
1- Bourek is an Algerian dish. ......... .................................................................................
2- The competition will take place at school. .......... .....................................................
3- Candidates will use their own ingredients. ........... ...................................................
B- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(2pts)
1- When will the competition take place? *....................................
2- What will the prize be? *............................
C- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1pt)
tasty = ................................ well known = .................................
C- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1pt)
last ‡ ................................ losers ‡...........................
Section Two:A- Complete with tag questions: (2pts)
1-Let’s make Bourek, ........ ....... ?
2- The prize is not bad, ...... ..... ?
-B- Put the correct form of the verb: (3pts)
every Ramadan, we (to make)................. Bourek. My brother (to like) ................. preparing it for us. Lat time, he (to be) .................. absent, but when I (to try)
................................. to make it, he (to knock) ........................ at the door.
-C- Write /i/ or /i:/ under the underline letters (2pts)
week – minced – meat – competition.
... ... ... ...
Part Two: (Situation of Integration) (6 pts)
You are one of the candidates in the competition. Using the ingredients of the advert, make your own recipe for Bourek. Use time sequencers: (first- then-next ...) and the imperative with verbs like: Put-take –add- sprinkle . . .
(Turn the page and write your paragraph)
Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A-Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.(3pts)
1- There are not many farmers in Nepal. *...................................
2- Most of the Nepalese do not eat beef.* ..................................
3- They eat meat everyday * ........................................
B- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(2pts)
1- Why do the Nepalese raise animals? *....................................
2-What is the main product in Nepal? *............................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2pts)
People from Nepal=..................... The majority=......................
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(2pt)
They E ............................ there E .........................
B- Complete with tag questions: (3pts)
1- People do not eat the same foods, ...... ........ ?
2- Nepal has no sea, ....... ... ?
C- Write: /s/, /z/ or / iz/ under each of the following words: (2pts)
foods – places – fruits – crops – meats – regions
/.../ /.../ /.../ /.../ /.../ /.../
Part Two (Situation of integration) (6pts)Complete this dialogue:
A: .....................................?
B: they eat bread, potatoes, other vegetables, fruit and . . .
A: ....................................?
B: No, they don’t. They eat meat every week.
A: ....................................?
B: They eat chicken, beef, lamb...
A: ..................................?
B: No, they don’t, because they are Muslims.

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the text about?
2- How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3- How does the Prof define the word “preparation”? (What is preparation?)
4- How do most of the pupils revise for exams?
5- What is better according to the Prof, to revise in groups or alone?
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
interesting= .................begins= ................can be= ..................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
after‡ ..................worse‡ ...................failure ‡....................
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(1 pt)
B- Complete with: can – can’t- may – might – could – will be able to(3pts)
The sky is cloudy now. It ....(1).... rain.
When I was young, I .....(2)...... run very fast.
There are no clouds in the sky, but it.....(3).... rain. The weather is very cold.
This bag is very heavy. I ....(4)...... lift it.
Parrots .....(5)...... speak.
If I take some English lessons, I ........(6)......... speak it fluently.
C-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters: test – mean – may –really – better –they –stress – very – explain (2 pts)

/i:/ /e/ /ei/

Part Two:(6pts)
Your little brother/sister has asked you to give him a piece of advice about exam preparation. Write a short paragraph telling him/her how to prepare for tests and exams. (Use modals like: You should / you must / You ought to / You can /You may / You might . . .
Name : ................................ Class: .......... N: .... Mark:
Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What’s the title of the film? *....................................
2- What time is the film on? *........................................
3- Is it at 8 am or 8 pm? * ...........................................
4- On which channel is the film? * ...................................
5- What kind of film is it? * ...............................................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2pts)
keen on =.................... love = .................
Section Two:A-What does the underlined word in the text refer to?(1pt)
it E .....................
B- Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: (4pts)
Karim (like) ....................... watching TV a lot. He (be) .................. crazy about thrillers. Yesterday, he (watch) ........................ a very nice film, “The Ring” , It (be) .................... on Channel 2 at 21:00.
C- Classify the following words: (2pts)
watches – films - effects – misses – actions – likes

/s/ /z/ /iz/
................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................

Part Two: (6Pt)
Write about one (1) of these films:


Teachers of English

Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

Wed, Nov 28th, 2007

Part One: (14Pt)
SECTION ONE : a- Write "True" or "False" ---- (3 pts )
1)- Baya was a writer . * .........
2)- She died seven years ago * ........
3)- She was born in Algeria . * ........
b- Answer the following questions----( 4pts )
1) – Where was Baya born ? * She …………………………
2) – Was she a painter ? * …………………………….
3) – When did she die ? * …………………………
4) – Why did she live with her grandparents?
*Because ………………..............................................
c - Find n the text the opposites of : (1pts)
* was born ‡ ............... * The last ‡ The ..............
SECTION TWO : a -Give the right form of th verbs in brackets.(4pts)
*Mohamed Dib (be) ........a great writer. He (write).......... many books.
*Charles Dickens (be born)............. in 1812. He(live)......... in London.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”: (2pts)

/t/ /d/ id/
.............. .............. ..............
.............. .............. ..............
-lived – visited – helped –
-died – started – practised

Part Two: (6pts)
Find the questions:
A: ........ ...... ......... .......... ? B: Jim Walker.
A: ...... ...... ....... ........? B: I’m American.
A: ....... ......... . ....................? B: I’m a computer programmer.
A:........ ........ .................?
B: Yes, I am married and I have two children.
Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

READING COMPREHENSION: a- Answer the following questions----( 4pts )
1) – Where is California situated? * ……...............……………………
2) – What is the country that border California? * …………………………….
3) – Give two of its important cities? * .................. * ................
b - Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (3pts)
well known = ............... interesting= .................located =............
MASTERY OF LANGUAGE: a -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.(4pts)
John and Bob ( already to go) ......................... to many places in the world. Last year, they (be) .......... in the USA. They (spend) ................. a week in California. They (to see) ............... many beautiful places there. They (to have) ................ a very nice time.
Next year, John and Bob (to go) ................. to New York. If they (to go)
................. there, they (to see) .................. The Statue of Liberty.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. (3pts)
most - state – south – about – type – made – known

/aU/ /ei/ /ai/ /@U/

Your pen friend wanted to know about one of the Algerian cities. Send him a letter informing him/her about one of the Algerian cities.
(Algiers , Constantine or Setif, . . . ) ( Use the text as a model).

READING COMPREHENSION: a- Answer the following questions----( 3pts )
1) –What did the desert use to be like? * ……...............……………………
2) –Were there any wild animal there? * …………………………….
3) –Did they use to attack people? * ................
b - Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pt)
many = ............... looked for= ................. near =............
- Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pt)
safe ‡ ............... far from ‡................. survived ‡............
c- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1 pts)
whichE.................... whoE .....................

MASTERY OF LANGUAGE: a -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.(2pts)
John and Bob ( already to go) ......................... to many places in the world. Last year, they (be) .......... in the Algerian Sahara. They (spend) ................. a week in Tamenrasset. They (to see) ............... many beautiful places there.
Next year, John and Bob (to go) ................. to Ain Salah. It (be) ........
the centre of the Sahara. If they (to go) ....................... there, they (to see) ................................ ski on the sand and ride camels.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. (1.5pt)
green – south – stay – about – know – deep – cave - hotel

/aU/ /ei/ /i:/ /@U/

c- Complete the table. (1.5pt)

Adjective Comparative superlative
big ............. the ..............
expensive ................... .........................
................. better ..........................
................. ............... the heaviest

c- Complete the table. (2pt)

The infinitive Simple Past Past Participle
to buy .................... .......................
............... ................... fallen
to learn ................... ......................
to speak .................... ......................
.................. carried .....................
................. ................. cut


One of your pen friends wanted to know about the Algerian Sahara as he/she intends to visit it one day.

* Send him/her a letter informing him/her, in a few lines about the Algerian Sahara as it is now.

Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

Part One: (14Pt)
Reading Comprehension: 1-Answer the following questions----( 5pts )
1) – How long does an Algerian pupil study before he goes to university?
* ......................................................... .
2) – How old is a pupil at 1MS (Middle School)? * …………………………….
3) – What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
*There E ..........................*They E ................ *Which E ..................
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (2 pts)
*fail ‡ ........................ *last ‡ ..............
1) – Complete this table with words from the text. (3 pts)

preposition a verb in the future simple a verb in the present Simple a pronoun a sequencer a number
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
2) -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets. (2 pts)
*If I (go) ............ to the Lycée, I (opt) .................... for the
science stream.
*I (not go) ...................... to the Lycée, before I (pass) .............. my Brevet exam.
3)- Write the number of the stressed syllable: ( 1- 2 or 3). (2 pts)
education – consist – stages – eleven – final – allows
... ... ... ... ... ...
Part Two:(Situation of integration) (6pts)
You are a student at 4Ms and you will go to the secondary school if you pass your Brevet exam. What is the stream you will opt for and why? What will you do after that? Write about your future expectations.
Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:

Part One: (14Pt)
SECTION ONE : a- Answer the following questions: (3 pts )
1)- How long does a man live ? * ..................................
2)- May we live longer in the future? Why?
* .............................................................................
3)- Who may live longer, People in developing countries or those in
developed countries? * ..............................................
c – Put the underlined words in the text in the right column : (3 pts)

preposition verb possibility ability time expression comparative
................... ................... .................... ................... ..................... ....................
c - Find n the text words that are opposite in meaning to : (1pts)
*die ‡ ............... *worse ‡ ..............
SECTION TWO : a - Fill in the gaps: (5 pts)
1-You are very ill. You ........... go to the doctor.
2-I ............. do this exercise. It’s too difficult. 3-The sky is cloudy. It ............ rain.
4-There are no clouds in the sky, but it .............. rain. It’s very cold.
5-When I was young, I could run very fast.
b- Classify these words according to the number of syllables. (2pts)

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables
.............. .............. ..............
.............. .............. ..............
longest – average – everyday-
span – people –women.

Part Two: (6pts)
Life has changed. Many things have been invented: cars, mobiles, computers, satellites, . . . What will life be like in the future?
Write a short paragraph telling us what will life be like in the future
(inventions- computers, schools, space, medicine . . .)

A-Reading Comprehension: Activity 1: answer the following questions : (2pts)
1-In which paragraph is it mentioned that people in Alaska had no idea of what was happening there?
2–What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
Activity 2: Are these statements “true” or “false”?Correct the wrong statement (3pts)
1–At the beginning Greenpeace was the name of a boat.
2–Greenpeace couldn’t prevent the USA from exploding nuclear bombs in Alaska.
3-Greenpeace is still fighting pollution.
Activity 3:1-Find in the text the synonyms then the opposites...
* started = ......... * named = ....... * safe ‡ ....... * nowhere ‡ .....

Infinitive Simple Past
to bring .................
............... began
to become ..................
to try ..................

B-Mastery of Language (7 pts)
Activity One: Complete the table with the
infinitive or the simple past. (2 pts)

Activity Two: Reorder the words to get coherent questions. (3 pts)
1- decide / to create / When / they / ? / organization / did / this
2- got / many / has / ? / members / Greenpeace / How
3- I / Greenpeace / ? / join / have to / to / do / What / do
Activity 3: Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final ed (2pts)
called - decided - stopped - wanted
Part Two: Written Expression Complete the dialogue: (6 pts)
A:...............................? B: The name of our association is “ Nadafa”.
A:...............................? B: We create it in order to live in a clean area.
A:...............................? B: We have 75 member at the moment.
A:...............................? B: To join us, you have to bring two photos,...

Part one: 4pts.
Section one : Reading Comprehension : ( 8 pts )
A - Answer the following questions :
1- Do pupils like exams ?
* … , …… … … .
2- Why are they afraid of getting bad marks ?
* ……….. …………………………………………….….. .
3- How do they feel during an examination ?
* ……. ……. ……… …. …………… .
B – Choose the correct answer .
1- Students hate : a)- exams b) – tests c) – teachers
2- Teachers suggest to be : a)- tense b)- relaxed c)-anxious
3- Students are afraid of getting : a)- bad clothes b)- good marks c)- bad marks
C – Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :
dislike = ……………. pupil = ………….
– Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :
the same ≠ ……….. succeed ≠ …………..
SECTION TWO : Mastery of language : ( 6 pts )
A- Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets :
The BEF ( be ) …….. an official examination which ( take ) ……….. place at the end of the school year . It includes all the subjects that pupils ( learn ) …………
for two years . Now , the pupils (prepare) ……….……. themselves for the next one which they (face) ………..…. in June , 2006 . If they work hard , they (succeed)…………. .
B- Complete these sayings with the right adjectives .
a- As …………….... as blood .
b- As …………..…. as a baby .
c- As ……………….as a church mouse .
Part two: Situation of integration.
- Complete the dialogue . ( 6 pts )
A : …………………………………………..? B : Yes , I have passed my BEF .
B : …………………………………………. ? B : He has offered me a computer .
A : …………………………………………. ? B : It is a machine that stores information .
A :Wow , you're lucky .
We wish you success

Part One : ( 14pts)
Section one : A/ Reading comprehension .
Activity one : Read the text carefully then answer the following questions :
1 – What did the knight buy ? 2 – Who invited him to go hunting ?
3 - What was he doing when his wig caught on a branch ?
4 - How did the knight feel at first ?
5 – The moral of the story is : When people laugh at us , it is better to . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity two ( Lexis ) :
Find in the text a word that fits each definition :
1- A person who rides horses : ……………
2- Who lost his hair : …………..
3- To become crazy and angry : …………..
4- Catching animals : ………….
Section two : Mastery of language :
Activity one ( Grammar ) : Complete the sentences with the correct verb form :
1- He was laughing when he ( fall ) off his horse .
2- While he ( ride ) in the forest , he ( lose ) his wig .
3- This story ( write ) by Aesop .
4- The knight ( never fall ) from his horse .
5- I ( read ) this story at the moment .
Activity two ( Pronunciation ) :
Classify these verbs according to the pronunciation of their final " ed ".
Laughed – hunted – finished – arrived – happened – helped – traveled – needed - wanted
Part two (6pts) ( Written expression ) :
You were in a funny situation where everyone was laughing at you . Write a paragraph saying what happened . –Best wishes

الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية
مديرية التربية لولاية ميلة المتوسطة الجديدة – شلغوم العيد
{ اختبارات الفصل الثاني}
اختبار مادة الإنجليزية
Diana Spencer was born in 1969 in England. She was tall, nice, intelligent and generous. She helped the poor, handicapped and old people. The English people will remember her for ever.
In 1981, she married Prince Charles, they had two children: William and Harry. In 1996, problems between Diana and her husband started and they had to divorce because Diana’s life among the royal family became very difficult and she couldn’t bear it.
Later, she met a man. His name was Imad El Faysal “Dody”. He was an Egyptian film producer. A year after, they died together in a car accident.
Part One: (14Pt)
A- Reading Comprehension (7pts)
Activity One: Read the text and answer the following questions----( 2pts )
1) How old was Diana, when she got married?
2) Why did Diana divorce?
3) How did Diana die?
Activity Two: Find in the text words or phrases that mean what follow:
1- Diana was helpful.
2- Diana’s situation was unbearable.
Activity Three: What are the underlined words in the text related to?

personality Recognition Obligation Good deeds
............ ............ ............ ............
AB- Mastery of Language: (7pts)
A/ - Write the verbs between brackets correctly.
1)- If you (be) generous, people (love) you.
2)- If the driver (drive) carefully, he (not risk) anything.
B/ - Complete with: when / while / or before.
1- Diana didn’t know Dody ............ she died.
2-William and Harry were not in the car........ the accident happened.
3- We shouldn’t use the mobile........... driving.
B/ - Classify the words according to the number of syllables.
between – intelligent – generous - bear

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables

Part Two: Situation of integration (06Pt)

Put the following sentences in the right order and build a coherent paragraph.

* he offered her some diamond jewels.
* she received a lot of gifts from kings and presidents.
* when Diana married Prince Charles in 1981,
* she got very happy.
* the most precious present was from the king of Saudi Arabia.
* and thanked him too much.

Part One: (14 pts)
A-Reading Comprehension: (8 pts)
Activity 1: answer the following questions : (5 pts)
1- Where was Gandhi from? 2- Was he a man f peace?
3- Who colonized India? 4- What did he do to free India?
5- Why was Gandhi killed?
Activity 2: What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.5 pt)
(who- its – he )
Activity 3:1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1.5 pt)
freedom = ..................... a lot of = ................... assassinated = ........................
B-Mastery of Language (6 pts)
Activity One: Turn into the passive form : (4 pts)
1- Gandhi organized many hunger strikes.
2- A Hindu nationalist assassinated Gandhi.
Activity Two: Complete the table with the infinitive or the simple past. (2 pts)

Infinitive Simple Past
to bring .................
............... began
to try ................
to lead ................

Part Two: Written Expression Complete the dialogue: (6 pts)
A:..............................? B: He was born in India.
A:..............................? B: Yes, he did. He lived in India and died there.
A:..............................? B: No, he wasn’t. He was a man of peace.
A:..............................? B: He led India to independence.

Part One: (14 pts)
A-Reading Comprehension: (8 pts)
Activity 1: answer the following questions : (5 pts)

Activity 2: What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.5 pt)
Activity 3:1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1.5 pt)

B-Mastery of Language (6 pts)
Activity One: Turn into the passive form : (4 pts)

Activity Two: Complete the table with the infinitive or the simple past. (2 pts)

Infinitive Simple Past
to bring .................
............... began
to try ................
to lead ................

Part Two: Written Expression Complete the dialogue: (6 pts)
A:..............................? B:
A:..............................? B:
A:..............................? B:
A:..............................? B:

Part One: (14 pts) A-Reading Comprehension: (8 pts)
Activity 1: answer the following questions : (5 pts)
1-How did visible speech teach deaf people to speak?
2- What did Bell become interested in?
3- How do car phones and plane phones transmit sounds?
Activity 2: What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.5 pt)
He E ........................................ these E .........................................
Activity 3:1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1.5 pt)
need = .............................. nearly = ......................... talk = ...........................
2-Find in the text words that are oppoite in meaning to: (1.5 pt)
last ‡ ............................. without ‡ ......................... nowhere ‡ ...........................
B-Mastery of Language (6 pts)
Activity One: Rewrite sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a : (4 pts)
a- Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
b- The telephone ..........................................................................................
a- Watson heard the message.
b- The message .............................................................................................
Activity Two: Complete the table with the infinitive or the simple past. (2 pts)

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle
teach .............. ..............
speak .............. ..............
.............. heard ..............
.............. .............. said

Activity Three: Reorder these words to write a coherent question. (2 pts)
heard – sentence – over – who – complete – the - transmitted – telephone – first- ?

Part Two: Written Expres​sion(6 pts)

Using the following notes,write a short biography of Graham Bell.

-born in 1847, Edinburgh, Scotland.
-Assistant of his father at University, London.
-to Canada and USA 1871
-opened school for training teachers of deaf, Boston.
-invented telegraph multiplexing system.
-founded Journal Science 1883.
-death in 1922

Name: ............................

Activity 1: answer the following questions : (4 pts)
1- who is the sender of the letter? * ............................................................................
2- What does he want? * ............................................................................
3- What does he want to be in the future? * ......................................................................
4- What kind of person is he? ( determined - indecisive – realistic ).
Activity 2:Find in the text the synonyms and the opposites of: (4 pt)
succeeded = .............................. permit = ...............................
without ‡ ................................ nowhere ‡ ...........................
Activity 3: Complete with the right tense (6 pts)
If Karim (pass) ...................... the BEM exam, he (register) ............................... in the science stream because he wants to be a doctor.
I (write) ............................... the letter when my father (arrive).......................... .
It (rain) ................................ while the students (wait)...............................
for the results of the BEM exam.
Activity 4: Complete the dialogue. (6 pts)
A: .................................................................... ?
B: I want to be a translator.
A: A translator?! ........................................................................... ?
B: A translator is a person who translates from a language into an other.
A: Ah! Yes. So, ............................................................................. ?
B: I will opt for the literature stream.
A: ................................................................................................?
B: Yes, I’m a good pupil at English and I always get very good marks.

Name: ............................

PART ONE (14 pts)
SECTION ONE : a- Answer the following questions-------( 3pts )
1) - How long ago did dinosaurs exist? * ……….........................…………………
2)- What did they eat ? * They …………….....................................................
3) - Are there any dinosaurs now? * …….....................................................
b - Write "True" or "False". ( 1.5pts )
1)- Dinosaurs were very small animals . * .................
2)- Some dinosaurs walked on two feet . * ...............
3)- Dinosaurs did not live in Europe . * ................
c - Find n the text the opposites of : ( 1.5pts )
South ‡ ...................... domestic ‡ ..................... small ‡....................
SECTION TWO :a -Give the right form of th verbs in brackets.(5 pts)
*Yesterday, I (go) ..............to the zoo and I (see).................many wild animals.
* Last year, Karim (be) ............. a pupil at 1MS, but this year, he (be) ............... at 2MS .
* I always get up early, but my brother Rafik (get) ............up late.
b – Turn into the negative : (3pts)
* I speak English . E * ........................................................English .
* Yesterday, I went to school . E * Yesterday, ..................................................
* I like the red colour. E * I ....................................................................
PART TWO (06 pts) Complete what A says .
A : ........... ............ dinosaurs?
B: They are very big animals.
A: ........... ............. ............. in ...........................?
B: No, they did not live in Australia.
A: .............. ........... .............. ................, then?
B: They lived in Africa, Europe and North America.

Name: ............................

PART ONE (14 pts)
SECTION ONE : a- Answer the following questions-------( 4 pts )
1) – What is Friends of the Earth? 2- What does it produce?
3) – What does it fight for? 4- Is it present only in Britain?
b - Find n the text words that are closest in meaning to: (3 pts)
make better = .................... a lot of = ......................... today= ......................
SECTION TWO :a -Give the right form of th verbs in brackets.(6 pts)
Every year, a large member of forests (to destroy) ............................. by fires.
Last year, fires (to burn) ................................ down many trees in the Djurdjura. The local authorities (to plan) ................................ to plant new trees. They hope people (to be) ........................ more careful in the future.
b – Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their underlined letters : (3pts)
join – fight – hope – life – over – noise – know – wild – destroy

/ai/ /Oi/ /@U/

PART TWO (06 pts)
Write a letter to a friend telling him/her to join “Friends of the Earth”.

الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية متوسطة حي 1109 مسكن-شلغوم العيد
[ اختبارات الفصل الأول ]
اختبار مادة الإنجليزية................................

Nobody could believe it, but it happened! The Titanic, which was the largest ship ever built, sank a few hours after hitting an iceberg.
The tragedy happened in 1912, on its first trip across the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic was travelling from Southampton to New York with 2201 people on board. Only 711 of them could be save by the Carpathia, a ship which was sailing some miles away, while 1490 people lot their lives in the accident.
Too many people die because there were not enough lifeboats for all of them and the crew was not prepared for such a catastrophe; they thought that the ship was safe in any difficult condition and could not sink. And also many passengers were sleeping

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
 :: التعليم في دول المغرب العربي :: المنهج الجزائري-

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