Mustapha Sensaoui School Level4.doc Ezlb9t10
Mustapha Sensaoui School Level4.doc Ezlb9t10

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Mustapha Sensaoui School Level4.doc

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Mustapha Sensaoui School Level4.doc Clock13 2012-02-08, 12:48 am

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level :4AM.
Date : Time : 1 hour
2nd test of the 1st term of English
People eat different foods in different places. Let’s take the example of Nepal. Nepal has no sea . Most people in Nepal are farmers. They grow grains, fruits, and other crops in the lowlands. The temperatures are very warm there. Rice and corn grow in terraced fields in the cooler hill regions. Potatoes and barley are the staple or chief crops at higher elevations.
The Nepalese raise goats, cattle and yaks for dairy produce .They eat meat only on special occasions. Religious rules affect which meats people in Nepal eat: Hindus, who make up almost 90 percent of the population do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.
I) Reading comprehension: (07 pts )
a) Read the text and write true or false.
1- The weather is very cold in lowlands.
2- People in Nepal don’t eat a lot of fish.
3- Muslims in Nepal do not eat beef.
b) Answer the following questions according to the text.
1- What is the job of most people in Nepal?
2- Why do the Nepalese raise goats, cattle and yaks ?
c) Lexis: (02 pts)
1-Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
Fellahs = ------------ regions = -------------
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
same ≠ ------------- the least ≠ --------------
II) Mastery of language : (09 pts)
A) Syntax:
1- Spot the mistake and correct it .
-The farmers buyed grain potatoes from France.
-The advertisement stated that the farmers would choose the goodest ones .
2- Supply punctuation and capitalization where necessary.
last week the driver john had a terrible accident
B) Morphology:
1- Use the correct question tag in each sentence.
a- We don’t eat oranges without peeling their skin ,----------?
b- Scientists have improved our existence,----------?
c- Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen,-----------?
d- You will not meet any difficulties,------------?
2- Turn into plural.
-The tourist is taking photos.
III)Written production: (04 pts)
-Fill in the gaps with one of the following words:
Restaurant , delicious , nice , decoration.
Dear Amel ,
Many thanks for the ------------ lunch last Tuesday. I enjoyed meeting so many
Interesting people in such a pleasant --------------- . I had never been to an Arabian
Restaurant before and I thought the ---------------- was beautiful. And the food was
-------------.I hope I can return to Algeria soon.


Mustapha Sensaoui School . School year:.
El Bordj Level: 4AM.

Paris is the capital and largest city of France. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Paris includes about 3 million people and is one of the world’s most crowded cities. Every year, more than 2 million tourists visit Paris.
Lovely gardens, parks and historic squares lie throughout Paris. The gleaming beauty of Paris has given it the nickname City of Light. The most popular attraction is the Eiffel Tower, the symbol of Paris. This world-famous symbol of Paris rises 300 metres. Tourists flock to the Louvre, along the Seine. It’s one of the world’s largest art museums. It is also one of the largest palaces in the world. The Louvre dates from about 1200, when it was built as a royal fort. It houses such masterpieces as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and the Greek statue Venus de Milo. Paris is also famous for its palaces, universities, restaurants, cafés, theatres and nightclubs. The Seine River curves through Paris for about 13 km from east to west.
Section one: Reading comprehension. (10 pts)
A) Read the text and say “true” or “false”. (04 pts)
1- Paris is larger than all the cities in France.
2- The symbol of Paris is “Le Louvre Museum”.
3- We can find “Mona Lisa” in Paris.
4- The Eiffel Tower is 500 metres high.
B) Read the text again and answer the questions. (04 pts)
1- How many paragraphs are there in the text?
2- Do many people visit Paris every year?
3- Is the Louvre a recent (new) museum?
4- How long is the Seine River?
C) Lexis: (02 pts)
1-Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
Well known= ………. Contains= ……….
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
horrible≠ …………. smallest ≠ …………….
Section two: Mastery of language. (06 pts)
Classify these words according to their final sound.(02 pts)
Played, crossed, divided, wished.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Add a tag question to the following sentences. (04 pts)
She knows the recipe for tcharek, ……..?
He can’t speak very good English, ………?
He has put on weight, …………?
It is a lovely evening for a party, ……..?
Section three: Written expression. (04 pts)
-Complete the dialogue with questions.
A: What an impressive monument! -------------------?
B: It is the Eiffel Tower.
A: --------------------------?
B: It is in Paris.
A: ----------------------------?
B: It is 320 metres high.
A: ----------------------------?
B: It is 116 years old.
Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level :4AM.
Date : Time : 1 hour.

People eat different foods in different places. Let’s take the example of Nepal. Nepal has no sea . Most people in Nepal are farmers. They grow grains, fruits, and other crops in the lowlands. The temperatures are very warm there. Rice and corn grow in terraced fields in the cooler hill regions. Potatoes and barley are the staple or chief crops at higher elevations.
The Nepalese raise goats, cattle and yaks for dairy produce .They eat meat only on special occasions. Religious rules affect which meats people in Nepal eat: Hindus, who make up almost 90 percent of the population do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.

I) Reading comprehension: (07 pts )
a) Read the text and write true or false.
1- The weather is very cold in lowlands.
2- People in Nepal don’t eat a lot of fish.
3- Muslims in Nepal do not eat beef.
b) What do farmers grow in Nepal? Read the text and fill in the table.

Lowlands Hill regions

c) Lexis: (02 pts)
1-Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
plant = ------------ inhabitants = -------------
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
same ≠ ------------- the least ≠ --------------
II) Mastery of language : (09 pts)
A) Mechanics (02 pts)
- Supply punctuation and capitalization where necessary.
farmers in brazil grow coffee bananas and cocoa
B) Syntax: (05 pts)
1- Spot the mistake and correct it .
- Last year, farmers buyed the goodest quality of potatoes grain from France.
- He likes fried potatoes, don’t he?
2- Turn into plural.
-The tourist is taking photos.
C) Pronunciation: (02 pts)
- Cross out the silent letter: know - hard - ever - listen.
III)Written production: (04 pts)
-Fill in the gaps with one of the following words:
beautiful - lunch - Restaurant - delicious .
Dear Amel,
Many thanks for the nice ------------ last Tuesday. I enjoyed meeting so many
Interesting people in such a pleasant --------------- . I had never been to an Arabian
Restaurant before and I thought the decoration was -------------. And the food was
-------------.I hope I can return to Algeria soon.


Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM.
El Bordj. Time: 1 hour.

Dear Dr Hakima,
I’m writing to seek your kind advice. I’m a four –year Middle School student. I took my Brevet last June and had a pass with merit. The problem is that I’m facing a dilemma as to the choice of the stream in which I’ll register in the lycée. My parents want me to register in the scientific stream whereas my choice goes for the literary stream.
Indeed, if I decided to register in the stream of my choice, I would realise the dream of my life which consists of becoming a translator. I would work very hard to get a literary stream Baccalaureate, which would allow me to register at a department of translation at university.
However, if I followed my choice, my parents would be really disappointed. They want me to become a doctor.
In conclusion, I’m at a crossroads in my educational career. I don’t know whether I must listen to my parents or decide about what I must do with my school life on my own. What should I do?
Yours sincerely,
Reading comprehension (7 pts)
Activity one: Read the text and answer the question. (3 pts)
1- How many paragraphs are there?
2- Choose the most suitable title among the ones given:
- a letter of advice.
- a letter of opinion.
- an agony letter.
3- In which paragraph is it mentioned Ahlem’s future job?
Activity two: Read the text again and answer the question.(3 pts)
Is Ahlem writing this letter to ask for advice?
Does she want to register for a scientific stream?
Would her parents be pleased if she register for a literary stream?
Activity three: Lexis. Match the words with their definitions. (3 pts).
a) Decide -to think carefully about the different possibilities and
choose one of them.
b) Realise - record your name on an official list.
c) Register -to achieve such a thing.
Mastery of language:
Activity one: Mechanics:
- Supply the right punctuation and capitalization where necessary.
if i were you i would inform the algerian consulate in london
Activity two:Syntax:
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
If I (achieve) satisfactory results, I (can) get the BEM.
My mother (remain) by herself if I (go) abroad.
She (not go) to work on crowded buses if she (have) a car.
Activity three: pronunciation. (3 pts)
Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their diphthongs:
Boat -air - five - know - house - buy .

/au/ /eə/ /əu/ /aI/


II) Mastery of language: (07 points )
A) Syntax: (03 pts)
Use a comparative , superlative or equal comparison.
1- Hamburger is ( popular ) dish in the world.
2- The chocolate bar / 12 g/ is ( high ) the cacao powder / 4,2 g / in protein.
3- The biscuit /700/ is ( nutritious ) the cereal bar/ 700/.
B) Morphology: (02 pts)
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate tag question.
1- People in Algeria do not eat pork ,…………?
2- Ali, you will buy some meat, ……………?
C) Pronunciation (02 pts)
Cross out the letter which you don’t pronounce in each of the following words:

Knife spaghetti
Fork salt

III) Written production (06 points )
It was lunch time and you decided to go to a restaurant. Imagine a dialogue between you and a waiter in about 06 lines.

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level: 4AM.
Time: 1 hour.

An important group of businessmen have decided to invest a big sum of money in Pearl City. Their plan is to create a factory for the manufacturing of computers and when a suitable site for it is chosen the building operation will start. If everything takes place positively, the industrial unit will be completed in about 15 months. Once the project is achieved, it will provide immense benefits for the whole area. It will mainly generate more than 100 jobs for the town inhabitants. But before the phase of production begins the people to be employed will have to follow a training course during four months through which they will receive a special learning about how to handle the sophisticated equipment of the new factory. At the end of the training period the applicants will take a test and if some of them fail in it they will not be acceptable by the factory. The second advantage that the project will bring is the regular taxes that the municipality will collect and that will serve to offer to the population better social services. If this happened everything will be fabulous.
Section one: Reading comprehension. (07pts)
Activity one: Say true or false and justify your answer (correct when it is false) (04pts)
The building of the factory has already started.
Most of the people who will work in the factory are inhabitants of other towns.
The people who will work in the new factory will need a special preparation.
The applicants will take a test.
Activity two: What does it mean? Choose the correct answer.
Everything will be fabulous. (horrible, fine, angry)
Have decided to invest. (invested, are investing, will invest)
Before the phase of production begins. (starts, finishes, ends)
Section two: Mastery of language. (10pts)
Activity one: What is the function of each sentence? Circle the letter of the correct answer.
If everything takes place positively, the industrial a- promise.
unit will be completed in about 15 months.
If some of them fail in it they will not be acceptable b- prediction.
By the factory.
3- If you’re good, I’ll buy you a chocolate bar. c- warning.
Activity two: Cross the odd word out.

Vowel sounds Words
/a:/ Car large half cat
/æ/ Glass bat cat cap
/u/ Book suit pull foot
Activity three: choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets (04pts)
If you (will ring/ ring) from the station, I (‘ll come/ come) and meet you.
I’m sure you (‘ll enjoy/ enjoy) the film if you (‘ll see/see) it.
If she (‘ll phone/ phones) ,tell her I (’ll be/ am) back at three.
If I (‘ll see/see) her, I (won’t say/ say) anything.
Section three: Written expression. (03pts)
*Answer the following questions.
A: Did you use to watch T.V after school?
B: …………………………………………..
A: Which T.V channel did you use to watch?
B: ……………………………………………….
A: What did you use to do during the holidays?
B: ……………………………………………….

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM.
School year Time: 1hour.

Activity one: Agree or disagree with the statements below using so and neither.
I can sing and dance. ----------------------------.
I don’t like pancakes. ---------------------------.
I have bought a bicycle. ------------------------.
I like bananas and peaches. -----------------------.

Activity two: Add the right prefix to form the opposites of the words
(im- in- dis- ir- il)
1- responsible ≠ --------------- 2- polite≠---------- 3- obey ≠----------- 4- definite ≠------------ 5- legal≠---------------

Activity three: Rewrite these sentences using: will be able, may, might, won’t be able.
doctors/ make/ a medicine which helps man to live more than 200 years.
In the future/ each family/ have/ a computer at home.
Scientists/ to make/ a vaccine/ against cancer/ in the future.
Scientists / invent/ robot student/ to do your home work.

Activity four: put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
When the journalist (finish) interviewing the people he (send) the recorded interviews to the office of his newspaper.
The police (search) the spectators before they (get) into the concert hall.
As soon as the authorities (collect) enough money through the taxes they (start) the building of the new industrial centre.
The farmers (plant) the grains when the second week of September (arrive).

Activity five: What can we do to protect animals which are in danger of extinction.
give three rules using appropriate modals (must, mustn’t, have to……etc).

Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School. Level : 4AM.
Date: Time/ 1 hour.
Second test of the last term.
There are so many cars on the roads nowadays that driving in big towns is not pleasant at all.
Some time ago, a friend who works in a part of the city I do not know very well invited me. It took me hours to get there and find a place to park. As I was late, I hurried off on foot, thinking that these days it is much easier to walk than to drive. At noon, just as I was leaving my friend’s office, I suddenly realised that I has no idea where I had parked my car. I walked down street after street, examining each car closely but without any result. Feeling quite tired, I gave up the search and went off for lunch. Some time later, I left the restaurant and walked slowly down the street. I turned the corner, and there was my car, right in front of me; but on the window was a little ticket. It was a fine for bad parking.
Next time I visit my friend, I’ll take a taxi.
Section one: Reading comprehension.(10 pts)
Activity one: What do the underlined words refer to in the text.(2 pts)


Activity two: Copy the table on your answer sheet and match one question in column(A) with one answer in column(B).(4 pts)

When did he stop looking for his car? In his friend’s office.
Where was the writer just before noon? There are too many cars.
Why did he intend to go by taxi next time? There is a serious parking problem.
Why did it take him a long time to park his car? At lunch time.
Activity three: Give a suitable title to the text. (2 pts)
Activity four: Lexis (2pts)
The following words or sentences appear in the text. Of the four explanations suggested, only one is correct in the context. Copy it down on your answer sheet.
I gave up the search.
I continued to search.
I was successful in my search.
I stopped the search.
A fine.
a penalty.
an invitation.
an advert.
Section two: Mastery of language.
Activity one: Derive nouns from the verbs in boxes 1 and 3 by adding the suffix-tion. (2pts)

Verb (1) Noun (2) Verb (3) Noun (4)
Explain -------------------
------------------- Admire
invent --------------------
Activity two: Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the letters in bold type.
Cut - sad - bed - come - (2pts)

Vowel sound /æ/ Vowel sound /e/ Vowel sound /Λ/

Activity three: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(6 pts).
I (drive) to the police station when I (see) a policeman. While I (talk) to him, an old friend of mine(enter). As I (explain) to the policeman what’s happened my friend( listen).

Mustapha Sensaoui Schoo Level: 4AM. l
Time: 1 h.30mn.

The children of the past used to live in very bad conditions. They had very short time for games. As there were no schools where they would get some learning they helped their parents at home and outside.
Boys, who had to go to the fields and forests used to collect wood, participate in the operations of sowing and take the animals for grazing; Girls who used to participate in the preparation of food, washing the different items of the family, fetching water from rivers.
The children, then, grew in difficult conditions lacked the basic things they needed for their development. They did not use to eat properly and did not recover quickly when they fell ill because their society did not possess the right technology and the necessary means to offer them such simple facilities.

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 points)
A) Read the text carefully and answer these questions: (03 pts)
1- Were children living difficult life in the past?
2- Did the children spend the days playing games?
3- What tasks were the boys obliged to do?
B) Read the text and pick out two sentences which contain relative pronouns. (02 pts )
C) Lexis:1) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to (02 pts)
Hard= ……………… sick= ……………
2) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to:
Disobey ≠ ………….. same ≠ ……………

Section two: Mastery of language. (07 points)
A) Pronunciation: Read the sentences below. Underline the consonant clusters which they occur at the beginning, the middle or at the end of the words. (02 pts)
e.g: In the past, people used to live in small houses.
1- They faced hard conditions when they worked.
2- They collected wood to cook and warm in winter.
B) Spot the mistake and correct it. (02 pts)
1- If they’ll have money, they buy new clothes.
2- The Sahara had large forests who were full of dangerous animals.
C) Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (02 pts)
Library - paint - art - direct .
D) Turn to the plural: (01pt)
- The tourist is taking photos.

Section three: Written expression. (06 points)
-Write a paragraph of 6 lines describing the bad conditions in which people used to live in the past.


Level: 4AM.
Mustapha Sensaoui School

Time: 1 h.30mn.

It was a beautiful spring morning in 2005. I was picnicking with my school friends. The sun was shining; the butterflies were flying all around us; the birds were singing beautiful tunes while the breeze was blowing from the north. I was reading a book while my school friends were playing basketball. They were enjoying the game so much; they shouted every time they scored. At one moment, the ball went out of the cleared ground and fell in the bushes nearby.
One of my school friends went to fetch it. As he was walking towards the ball, he saw something that looked like a stick. When he picked it, he realized that it was a long snake. It was too late! The snake bit him and slipped away under the bushes. Fortunately, we had some serum against snake bites in our First Aid box…

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 points).
Activity one: Read the text and answer the following questions. (02 pts)
How many paragraphs are there in the text?
In which paragraph is it mentioned the snake trouble?

Activity two: Read the text again and answer these questions. (03 pts)
Was the weather horrible when the pupils went out for a picnic?
Did they face any problem?
Was the snake the cause of the trouble?

Activity three: Lexis.(02 pts)
Find synonyms to the following words from the text.
Bring=………….. nice=……………
Find opposites to the following words from the text.
early≠…………….. unfortunately ≠……………….

Section two: Mastery of language. (07 pts)
Activity one: Mechanics.(02 pts)
-Derive nouns of occupation using suffixes.

words Nouns of occupation
Page one

Activity two: Syntax.(03 pts)
-Rewrite the sentences into the passive.
Girls play basket-ball at the stadium.
I eat a delicious hamburger.
Cavemen hunted animals many years ago.

Activity three: Pronunciation. (02 pts)
Classify the following words according to their final “ed”.
Stayed - decided - finished - missed.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Section three: Written expression.(06 pts)
-Last Friday was an unlucky day for you. You faced many problems while you were revising the lessons for the exams. Narrate what happened in a few lines using linkers and time conjunctions.

Happy chance and have a nice holiday.

Mustapha Sensaoui School School year :
El Bordj. Level: 4AM
Time: 1 h.30mn

Text :
Talking about Holidays.
Hazel: Hi Serena. I’ve heard you’ve just come back home. You’ve been at
Mexico City, haven’t you?
Serena: Yes, I spent three weeks there.
Hazel: It’s a beautiful city, isn’t it?
Serena: Wonderful ! And there’re interesting places to visit.
Hazel: You visited the Palace of Fine Arts, didn’t you?
Serena: Yes, and the National Museum.
Hazel: You didn’t miss the Pyramid of the sun, did you?
Serena: No, it’s a huge monument. Thousands of people visit it every day.
Hazel: You’ve taken photos, I suppose, haven’t you?
Serena: Yes, I’ll show them to you when you come home.
What about you? Jane told me about your unsuccessful project.
You couldn’t travel to Egypt, could you?
Hazel: No, I didn’t manage to have a visa in time. Then when I got it, I had to resume work.
Serena: Poor Hazel ! You were really unlucky!

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 points)
Activity one: Read the text and answer the questions:
Did Serena spend her holidays in Egypt?
How long did Serena stay in Mexico City?
Has Serena shown Hazel her photos?
Activity two: What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?
1) You’ve been - ---------.
2) ……show them to you …… ---------.
3) Jane told me about …….. ----------.
4) …….I got it………. ----------.
Activity three: Match the words in (A) with their synonyms in (B):
(A) (B)

Very big
unfortunate Huge
Come back

Page one.

Section two: Mastery of language. (07 points)
Activity one: Write a question tag at the end of each sentence.
He can climb mountains, -----------?
They will enter the competition, -----------?
She doesn’t travel alone, -----------?
Activity two: Complete the table with the right adjective.

adjective comparative Superlative
---------------- Taller than
The best.

Activity three: Complete the phonetic transcription below with :
a short /i/ , long /i:/ or /e/.

spelling transcription
/ p –z /
/ f –gz /
/ br –d /
/prəut –n/

Section three: Written expression. (06 points)
It was lunch time and you decided to go to a restaurant. Imagine a dialogue between you and a waiter in about 06 lines.

Good Luck.

Page two.

Mustapha Sensaoui School. School year:
El Bordj Level: 4AM.

A species of animal becomes extinct when every animal of its kind has died. Why animals become extinct is not always clear. Many scientists believe that a balance exists in nature, so that the establishment of a new species results in the loss or extinction of an existing species.
Most extinct animals died out because of changes in their food source, or the destruction of their habitat. Human beings have caused many animals to become extinct. Such activities as farming, hunting, and logging, or mere settlement by humans, contribute to extinctions. Today, the growth of urban areas and the pollution of the environment with pesticides and industrial wastes pose serious threats to many species.
During the last 200 years, more than 50 species of birds, over 75 species of mammals, and perhaps hundreds of other species have become extinct.

Section one: Reading comprehension. (05 pts)
A) Read the text and answer these questions. (03 pts)
1- How many paragraphs does the text include?
2- Is the extinction of some animals always clear?
3- Have humans caused animals to become extinct?
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
1- Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
May be = ………. Shelter = ……….
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
Less ≠ …………. lived ≠ …………….
Section two: Mastery of language. (06 pts)
Activity one: Add the right prefix to form the opposites of the words :(im- in- dis- ir- il)
1- Polite ≠---------- 2- obey ≠-----------
3-definite ≠------------ 4- legal ≠---------------
Activity two: Agree or disagree with the statements below using so and neither.
1-I can sing and dance. ----------------------------.
2- I don’t like pancakes. ---------------------------.
3- I have bought a bicycle. ------------------------.
4-I like bananas and peaches. -----------------------.
Activity three: Rewrite these sentences using: will be able, may, might, and won’t be able.
1- doctors/ make/ a medicine which helps man to live more than 200 years.
2- In the future/ each family/ have/ a computer at home.
Scientists/ to make/ a vaccine/ against cancer/ in the future.
Scientists / invent/ robot student/ to do your home work.

Section three: Written expression. (04 pts)
What can we do to protect animals which are in danger of extinction?
- write a short paragraph and give three rules using appropriate modals (must, mustn’t, have to……etc).

Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School. School year:
El Bordj Level: 4AM.

In the future, robots will perform more and more tasks for humans. This will have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, while robots are doing the boring and dangerous jobs, human will devote more time to interesting pursuits. In this respect, robots will make life a lot easier for humans. On the other hand, the widespread use of robots will create a lot of future unemployment. There is a risk that robots will take on jobs that humans need in order to earn a living. And some robots could even become dangerous. I’m afraid that in the not-too-distant future robots will operate nuclear power stations! And before too long, robot will fight in wars. Although, on second thoughts, that will be better than humans killing each other.

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 pts)
A) Read the text carefully then say if the following sentences are true or false. (05 pts)
1- Robots will help humans.
2- Robots cannot do boring and dangerous jobs.
3- They will make life easier for humans.
4- Robots will not have negative effects.
5- It will be good if robots fight in wars than humans.
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
a) The past ≠ b) More difficult ≠ c) employment ≠ d) worse than ≠

Section two: Mastery of language. (07 pts)
Activity one: find words in the text which contain the following four
vowel sounds: /u / , / u:/ , / Ŋ/ , / æ/ (02 pts)

Activity two: Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (02 pts)
Library - paint - art - direct .

Activity three: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.(03 pts)
If she (catch) the next bus, she (be) at home before dinner.
We (not start) lunch until Dad (arrive) from work.
My father (buy) a car if he (have) enough money.

Section three: Written expression. (06 pts)
Robots are a great invention. List the things people will not have to do anymore thanks to these robots.
Are there only positive aspects in this invention?
Can you think of other fields in which robots are used?

Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School. School year:
El Bordj Level: 4AM.
Time: 1 h.30mn.

I’m going to retire next week and I’m looking forward to it. For the first time in my life, I shall be able to do all the things I’ve always wanted to do. When I wake up in the morning, I won’t have to travel to work anymore. So as soon as I finish taking my bath, I’ll go to the living room. I shall listen to music while I wait for my breakfast to be served. You know, if my firm pays a good pension into my bank account, I will hire a cook. My wife and I will be able to spend more time together while we take care of our grandchildren. I explained all these plans to my wife. “of course”, she said “I’m looking forward to your retirement, too, but you must remember that while you can retire, I can’t. I’ve written out some simple rules for us both which apply from the day you retire”. Here they are…

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 pts)
Read the text and answer these questions. (04 pts)
How does the author of this text feel? Why?
What will he do if his firm pays a good pension into his bank account?
Will he be able to do all the things that he has always wanted to do? Why?
4- Choose a suitable title for the text:
a- payment b- retirement c- family.
B) Find in the text: (03 pts)
1- a verb which means that a worker has stopped working at the end of his/ her working life.
2- a noun which means an amount of money paid regularly to someone who has stopped
working at the end of his/ her working life.
3- opposites to the following words: a- forget ≠……. b- complex ≠ ……….

Section two: Mastery of language. (07 pts )
Activity one: Supply the right punctuation and capitalization where necessary. (02 pts)
if i were you i would inform the algerian consulate in london
Activity two: This is the continuation of the text. Choose the correct verb tense. (03pts)
We (take/ ‘ll take) turns to do the cooking and the housework after you ( retire/ ‘ll retire).
You ( won’t watch/ don’t watch) TV before you ( ‘ll cook/ cook) our meals.
If he ( follows/ ‘ll follow) these rules, I’m sure he ( enjoys/ ‘ll enjoy) a long and happy life together.
Activity three: Cross the odd word out. (02 pts)

Vowel sounds Words
/a:/ Car large half cat
/æ/ Glass bat cat cap
/u/ Book suit pull foot
/ כ:/ Court cot caught bought

Section three: Written expression. (06 pts)
Every one expects to live a better life in the future. What will you do if you pass your Middle School Brevet Exam? Write a short paragraph.

Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM.
El Bordj. Time: 1 hour.

Dear Dr Hakima,
I’m writing to seek your kind advice. I’m a four –year Middle School student. I took my Brevet last June and had a pass with merit. The problem is that I’m facing a dilemma as to the choice of the stream in which I’ll register in the lycée. My parents want me to register in the scientific stream whereas my choice goes for the literary stream.
Indeed, if I decided to register in the stream of my choice, I would realise the dream of my life which consists of becoming a translator. I would work very hard to get a literary stream Baccalaureate, which would allow me to register at a department of translation at university.
However, if I followed my choice, my parents would be really disappointed. They want me to become a doctor.
In conclusion, I’m at a crossroads in my educational career. I don’t know whether I must listen to my parents or decide about what I must do with my school life on my own. What should I do?
Yours sincerely,
Reading comprehension (9 pts)
Activity one: Read the text and answer the question. (3 pts) 1- How many paragraphs are there?
2- Choose the most suitable title among the ones given:
- a letter of advice.
- a letter of opinion.
- an agony letter.
3- In which paragraph is it mentioned Ahlem’s future job?
Activity two: Read the text again and answer the question.(3 pts)
Is Ahlem writing this letter to ask for advice?
Does she want to register for a scientific stream?
Would her parents be pleased if she register for a literary stream?
Activity three: Lexis. Match the words with their definitions. (3 pts).
a) Decide -to think carefully about the different possibilities and
choose one of them.
b) Realise - record your name on an official list.
c) Register -to achieve such a thing.
Mastery of language: (11 points)
Activity one: Mechanics: (02 points)
- Supply the right punctuation and capitalization where necessary.
if abdelkader visited ireland he would enjoy it
Activity two:Syntax ( 06 points)
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
If I (achieve) satisfactory results, I (can) get the BEM.
My mother (remain) by herself if I (go) abroad.
She (not go) to work on crowded buses if she (have) a car.
Activity three: pronunciation. (3 pts)
Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their diphthongs:
Boat -air - five - know - house - buy .

/au/ /eə/ /əu/ /aI/

Written expression:
Suppose yourself you are Dr Hakima. Try to give an advice to Ahlem in a short letter.

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM.
El Bordj. Time: 1 hour.
A Frightening Experience.
Many years ago while I was living in India, I was invited at a reception at the embassy. When I arrived, some of the guests were sitting and smoking while others were chatting and drinking. A few couples were dancing while a group of musicians were playing waltzes.
My friend came to me and introduced me to some guests. Then it was time to have dinner. We were sitting round the table eating and listening to an old colonel talking about his army experiences when a woman suddenly shouted: “A snake! There ‘s a snake near the window!” there was a great panic in the room. Some guests climbed onto the table screaming; two women fainted.
While some of us were looking for the snake everywhere, the old colonel rushed to the veranda. A few seconds later, we heard two shots. We were wondering about what was happening when he entered the room, dragging a dead cobra.
Part one: 14 points. A/ Reading comprehension (7 points)
Read the text carefully and do the following activities.
Activity one: Reorder these events as they happened. (3 points)
We were looking for the snake.
He killed the snake.
An old colonel was talking about his army experiences.
Everybody was panic stricken.
The old colonel ran to the veranda.
Suddenly a woman saw a snake.
Activity two: read again the text and answer the questions. (2points)
Did the reception take place at the embassy?
Was the snake crawling under the table?
Activity three :(2 points) 1- Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
screamed = ………. searching = ……….
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
new ≠ …………. alive ≠ …………….
B/ Mastery of language. (7 points)
Activity one: -Derive nouns of occupation using suffixes.(2points)

Words Noun of occupation words Nouns of occupation
Library Write

Activity two: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, past simple or past continuous. (3 points)
We (to stay) in a hotel when a fire (to start) on one of the floors.
While the pupils (to do) exercises, the teacher (to look) out of the window.
We (to have) a party when the light (to go) out.
Activity three: mark the intonation at the end of the questions: ( ). (2 points)
What would you do if you suddenly saw a snake?
Would you call the police?
Part two: Written expression. (6 points)
Imagine you were picnicking with your friends on a beautiful spring day. Suddenly you saw a snake. Describe what happened in a few lines. (about six lines).

Happy chance.

Mustapha Sensaoui School. School year:
El Bordj Level: 4AM.
Green peace.
In 1969, the USA began a series of nuclear tests on a little island near Alaska. At that time, the Alaskans did not realise that those tests were dangerous. They did not even know they were happening! A Canadian decided to do something about this. With some friends they bought a boat which they called green peace.
And they went to the island in their boat, just when the Americans wanted to explode another bomb.
The Americans had to end testing bombs in Alaska, and the Greenpeace people and their organization have become famous all over the world.
Since then, green peace has never stopped working: its members try to stop people and governments doing things that pollute the environment.
From (top 3) Nathan.
Part one: (14 pts)
A-Reading comprehension: (7 pts)
Activity one: Read the text and answer the following questions: (2pts)
In which paragraph is it mentioned that people in Alaska had no idea of what was happening there?
What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

Activity two: Read the text and write (true) or (false). Correct the wrong statement. (3pts)
At the beginning Greenpeace was the name of a boat.
Greenpeace couldn’t prevent the USA from exploding nuclear bombs in Alaska.
Greenpeace is still fighting pollution.
Activity three: (2pts)
Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1pt)
a- started = -------------- b- named = ----------
2- Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following :( 1pt)
a- safe ≠ ---------- b- nowhere ≠ ---------
b- Mastery of language: (7pts)
Activity one: complete the table with the infinitive or the simple past.(2pts)

Infinitive Simple past
to pollute ………………
…………….. began
to become ……………….
to try ……………….
Activity two: Reorder the following words to get coherent questions:
decide_ to create _ When _ they _ ? _ organization _ did _ this.
got _ many _ has _? _ members _ Greenpeace _ How.
I _ Greenpeace _? _ join _ have to _ to _ do _ what _ do.
Activity three: Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”: (2pts) : called – decided – stopped - wanted.

/t / /d / /id /

Part two: Written Expression:
Your schoolmates have created an association because they want to live in a clean district.
Interview one of its members for your school magazine and write down the conversation.
You can use the following clues to help you.
when you started the association
name of the association
activities ( what you did – are doing )
Mustapha Sensaoui School Level: 4AM. School year: . Time: 1hour.

Activity one: Add tag questions to the following sentences (5 pts)
It is very cheap, ...............?
They have studied at this school, ............?
You don’t speak Spanish, ...............?
This restaurant can sit thirty people, ...............?
She knows the recipe for pancakes, .................?

Activity two: cross out the silent letter.(02 pts)
Fork - know - wheat - light.

Activity three: complete the table. (04pts)

adjectives comparatives superlatives
Taller than
The most beautiful

Activity four: correct the verbs between brackets.(05 pts)
I already (to discuss) the project with my teacher.
Tony (to play) the violin now.
He sometimes (to swim) in the sea.
Assia Djebbar (to write) her first book in 1955.
Tomorrow, we (to have) mathematics test.

Activity five: -Complete the dialogue with questions.(04 pts)
A: What an impressive monument! -------------------?
B: It is the Eiffel Tower.
A: --------------------------?
B: It is in Paris.
A: ----------------------------?
B: It is 320 metres high.
A: ----------------------------?
B: It is 116 years .

Good luck.

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM. El Bordj. Time: 1 hour. Date:
Claude’s kitchen isn’t very large, but the food is good. Claude Boulet does the cooking, and his menu includes a lot of New Orleans French favourites. When I was there, I had gumbo. This tasty mixture of ham and fish is cooked in a heavy pot. I thought it was delicious. For dessert, I had an apple surprise, a mixture of cooked apples and dough. It was too sweet for me. Claude has different kinds of coffee, and my espresso was a perfect end to a good dinner.
Claude’s kitchen, located at 311 Bourbon street, is open for dinner every evening until 11:00, Tuesday to Sunday. The restaurant gets very busy, so be sure to make a reservation before you go.
A-Reading comprehension: (11pts)
Activity one: 1) Read the text and fill in the table below: (3pts)

adjectives nouns
2) What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(02 pts)

Activity two: Read the text and write (true) or (false). Correct the wrong statement. (4pts)
1-Customers shouldn’t make a reservation.
2- “Gumbo” is ham and fish.
3- Espresso is a kind of coffee.
4- Apple surprise is very sweet.
Activity three: (2pts)
Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following :
a- bad ≠ ---------- b- light ≠ --------- c- close ≠ --------- d-free ≠ ----------- Mastery of language: (10pts)
Activity one: 1- Supply punctuation and capitalization where necessary.
farmers in brazil grow coffee bananas and cocoa
2- Turn into plural.
-The tourist is taking photos.
Activity two: Spot the mistake and correct it .
- Last year, farmers buyed the goodest quality of potatoes grain from France.
- He likes fried potatoes, don’t he?
Activity three: Complete the phonetic transcription below with :
a short /i/ , long /i:/ or /e/.

spelling transcription
protein / p –z /
/ f –gz /
/ br –d /
/prəut –n/

Happy chance/

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM. El Bordj. Time: 1.30 hour. Date:
“ Bill Gates (chairman of Microsoft Corporation) is the richest man on Earth. When he was just eight years old, he was able to read “The Book Encyclopaedia”. (a quite large book) and finished it. During a family gathering, when Bill was 11, he was able to recite 107 verses out from heart. As a child, he discovered his interest in software and could write programmes for the computer at age 13”. In the ninth grade at school, he was able to get A’s in all the subjects he took which put him among the top ten students in the nation.
However, Bill didn’t finish his studies at the university. He started up his own computer company (Microsoft) and became a billionaire at 31.
Bill Gates is hoping that one day everybody will be able to have a personal computer in his pocket. Nobody will disagree with you if you say that Bill Gates can buy almost anything he wants.
Part one: 14 points. A/ Reading comprehension (7 points)
Activity one: 1) Read the text and fill in the table below: (4pts)

What people will be able to do in the future. What B.Gates could do in the past/ was able to do. What B. Gates can do now.

2) Find in the text statements which are the same as or closest in meaning to(03pts)
1- When he was still a child, he wrote computer programmes = ............................................
2- Everybody agree that Bill can buy anything = ..............................................................
3- Bill doesn’t have a university degree = ...........................................................
3) find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following:
Poorest ≠ ............. sell ≠ ....................

b- Mastery of language: (07pts)
Activity one: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate tag question.
1- People in Algeria do not eat pork ,…………?
2- Ali, you will buy some meat, ……………?
Activity two: Choose the correct modal verb.(may / can / might)
1- There are no clouds, but it ........rain. it’s the rainy season.
2- Doctors .........find medicines to cure cancer. They’re very close to that.
3- I ......... understand English people when they speak.
Activity three: Add the right prefix to form the opposites of the words
(im- in- dis- ir- il)
1- correct ≠ --------------- 2- legal≠---------- 3- satisfied ≠----------- 4- patient≠------------
Part two: Written Expres​sion(06pts)

By the end of the year you’ll have the Brevet Exam. List the things that possible to happen if you succeed or fail in it.(about 10 lines).

Good luck/

Mustapha Sensaoui School Level : 4AM. El Bordj. Time: 1.30 hour. Date:22/02/2009.
My grandma.
My grandmother is more than ninety years old which makes her the oldest person in the whole family. Since her pilgrimage to Mecca in 1980, every body has been calling her “El Hadja”. Despite her old age, her memory is still fresh. She always tells us that many things used to be different when she was young.
My grandma used to begin her day very early. She used to pray “El Sobh” at 3 o’clock in summer time while every body else was still in beds. There didn’t use to be a baker’s in the country where she lived, so my grandma baked bread “kesra” which was most of the time made of wheat or barley. Before sunrise, she was already busy at work. She used to do all the housework by herself. She used to make clothes for the children such as woolly hats, jumpers and “burnouses” for the adults. My grandma used to raise some chicken (for their eggs) and sheep (for milk and meat). She also used to help the males to grow vegetables.
When a member of the family was ill, she used to show him which herbs to use. They collected them from a near forest. It was very effective method.

Part one: 14 points. A/ Reading comprehension (7 points)
1) read the text and say which sentence best summarises each paragraph: circle it. (3pts)
§1: a- my grandma is very old.
b- she’s old, but she can remember many things.
c- she’s old, but healthy.
§2: a- women used to work outdoors.
b- women used to work indoors.
c- grandma’s daily life.
§3: a- medicines of the past.
b- diseases in the past.
c- doctors and patients.

2) Read the text again and answer the following questions:
a- Did anyone help grandma in the house work?
b- what kinds of clothes did grandma use to make?

3): Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following :(02pts)
§1: no one ≠ ................ less ≠...................
§2: sunset ≠................. free ≠ ......................

b- Mastery of language: (07pts)
Activity one: join each of the pairs of sentences below with a relative pronoun:
1) – The girls / to take cookery and needlework lessons.
- The girls / to knit jumpers and made cakes.
2) – young children to learn / in mosques.
- they to read and write / in mosques.
Activity two: Find words in the text which contain the following four diphthongs.( only one word each). / ei / , /əu/ , / au/ , / ai /
Activity three: Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (02 pts)
Library - paint - art - direct - chemistry - teach.

Part two: Written Expres​sion(06pts)
Nowadays children are living a very comfortable life which was not in the past. Describe in about ten lines how did children use to live a long time ago.
Good luck/

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