Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10
Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10

الرئيسيةالرئيسية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  
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Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2

مؤسس المنتدى

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نقاط : 22423
Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Empty
Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Clock13 2012-04-20, 7:38 am

Unit 15: I must have lost it

Meaning Word Meaning Word
مؤرخ historian رحلة عمل business trip
مقبرة tomb بالتأكيد definitely
نفس same فلفل pepper
عربة vehicle فى الواقع/حقا actually
قبائل من شمال أوربا the Vikings مسرور glad
هرم سقارة Saqqara Pyramid ممكن possible
التبغ tobacco رفيق – زميل – شريك partner
قرن century بالضبط exactly
عجلة wheel جامع collector
محيط ocean بركة/حمام pool
لحم بقرى beef بحيرة lake
قمة جبلية ice berg المصريون القدماء Ancient Egyptians
لا تغرق unsinkable صوف wool
مسافر/راكب passenger بحار sailor
مساحة فارغة/فضاء space مركب إنقاذ life boat
رسالة لاسلكية radio message طاقم سفينة أو طائرة crew
بندقية gun أمواج waves
فى مهمة عمل on business تيتانك Titanic

Past participle Past Meaning Present
sailed sailed يبحر sail
described described يصف describe
joined joined يربط join
arrived arrived يصل arrive
reclaimed reclaimed يستصلح reclaim
discovered discovered يكتشف discover
forgotten forgot ينسى forget
rung rang يرن ring
worried about worried about يقلق بشأن worry about
climbed up/down climbed up/down يصعد لأعلى/يهبط لأسفل climb up/down
covered covered يغطى cover
lost lost يخسر lose
fired fired يطلق النار fire
calmed calmed يهدئ calm
died died يموت die
crashed crashed يصطدم crash
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
disappeared disappeared يختفى disappear
Language Notes
1- (late – lately-later)
• متأخر late
• She was sorry because she came late.
• مؤخرا – حديثا lately
• He has bought a new car lately.
• فيما بعد later
• He went to the market. Later, he visited his uncle.
2- (remember – remind)
• يتذكر (من ذات نفسه) remember
• Ahmed remembered to send the letter.
• يذكر remind
• The secretary reminded me of the conference.
3- (trip – journey – voyage – flight)
رحلة جوية fight- رحلة بحرية voyage- رحلة برية طويلة journey- رحلة برية قصيرة trip
4- on
فى يوم ... on Saturday – on Monday / فى مهمة عمل on business/فى وقت العمل on duty
فى أجازة on holiday/ فى الوقت المحدد on time
الاستنتاج 1- Deduction

Deductions in the past Deductions in the present
must have + pp تأكد مثبت must + infinitive
can’t have + pp تأكد منفى can’t + infinitive
may have + pp احتمالية may + infinitive
might have + pp احتمالية ضعيفة might + infinitive

1- يمكن استخدام could have + pp للتعبير عن أشياء كان من الممكن حدوثها فى الماضى ولكنها لم تحدث.
• It was possible for him to travel abroad but he didn’t.
• He could have traveled abroad.
2- تستخدم couldn’t have +pp لبيان استحالة حدوث الشيء فى الماضى.
• It is impossible that he moved that big stone.
• He couldn’t have moved that big stone.
2- تستخدم (should) shouldn’t have + pp للتعبير عن نصيحة فى الماضى
• You should have studied hard for the exam.
• You shouldn’t have done that silly thing.
3- تستخدم must أيضا للتعبير عن الضرورة ونفيها don’t have to و doesn’t have to وماضيها had to
والضرورة فى المستقبل will have to.
4- تستخدم needn’t و don’t have to و doesn’t have to للتعبير عن عدم الضرورة.
الروابط Conjunctions
أولا: روابط الغرض
إذا كانت الجملة الثانية غرضا للأولى.
لكى to / in order to / so as to
• يأتي فى وسط الجملة (أو أولها) • يليه مصدر الفعل • تنفى بوضع not قبل to
• He would like to join the sports club so as to get fit.
لكى so that / in order that/in the hope that
• فى وسط الجملة •بعدها ضمير يعود على فاعل الجملة الثانية
• ونستخدم can / mayفى زمن المضارع اوالمستقبل أو الأمر و could / might فى زمن الماضى.
• He would like to join the sports club so that he can get fit.
• تحذف wanted to / wish to / hope to عند استخدام الروابط السابقة ونستخدمها مع روابط السبب.
• He would like to join the sports club because he wanted to get fit.
• He would like to join the sports club to (in order that he can) get fit.
بينما As – While
• تستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضى وقطعه حدث آخر.
As (while) + past continuous + past simple
• As (While) Hala was studying, her friend phoned.
• تستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضى وفى نفس الوقت كان هناك حدثا آخر مستمرا معه.
As (While) + past continuous + past continuous
• As (While) dad was reading, mum was cooking.
• يأتيان فى أول الجملة أو وسطها.
أثناء During
• تستخدم بدلا من while – as ولكن يأتي بعدها اسم
• He fell asleep during the film.
• During his stay in London, he met some old friends.

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- It was your fault. You (shouldn’t – must – should – might) have behaved that way.
2- You (don’t have – needn’t – mustn’t - can’t) to tell me. I’ve already known everything.
3- Thank God, no one was injured (when – at – while – during) the fire.
4- The crew sailed the (plane – train – rocket – ship) safely to the port.
He lost his way in the desert. He (can’t have forgotten – should have
forgotten – must have forgotten – didn’t forget).
6- We’ll go out as soon as it stops (sailing – raining – feeling – meeting).
7- He took his umbrella (as – so that – while – during) he wouldn’t get wet in the rain.
8- The Titanic (fired – sank – sailed – swam) under the waves of the Atlantic.
9- He sent me a phone message (during – as – so that – when) I could meet him.
10- (Ships – Trains – Planes – Rockets) can travel into space.
11- There (must – might – should - can’t) have been anyone with no seat at the meeting with the president.
12- (Drinks – Cars – Lifeboats – Fishermen), on a ship, are necessary in time of danger.
13- The (passengers – crew – people – women) fired rockets as a message for help.
14- I think he (must be – should have been – must have been – shouldn’t have been) rude to his friends.
15- No one answered my call. My aunt (can’t – must – might – may) have been at home.
16- She bought a new Mercedes. She (must have paid – can’t have paid – must pay – can’t pay) a wealth for it.
17- This Ahmed’s passport. He (must have – can’t have – might have – had) travelled yet.
18- Fadi looks happy. He (didn’t pass – can’t have passed – must have passed – might have passed)
his exams.
I am not sure, he (must have attended – can’t have attended – might
attend – might have attended) the party yesterday.
20- He adds much (salt – pepper – paper – sugar) to his food to make it taste hot.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He bought a camera to take photos of the journey. (so that)
2- She looked beautiful while she was attending the wedding party. (during)
3- I'm sure he wasn’t at home yesterday. (can’t)
4- It isn’t necessary to do all the work now. (needn’t)
5- I don’t think he traveled abroad. (might)
6- I don’t think he passed the test. (have)
7- I think he wasn’t at school. (might)
8- Perhaps she wrote the report. (might)
9- I’m certain that Ali went to the cinema. (must)
10- I think I forgot my keys at home. (must)
11- I am sure dad didn’t go to work yesterday. (can’t)
12- I don’t think Salaw went shopping. (might)
13- I am almost sure they missed the train. (have)
13- It is certain Adel didn’t come back. (have)
14- It isn’t allowed to enter this office. (mustn’t)
15- Must you arrange everything for the journey? (Do)
16- I'm sure he did what was best for us. (must)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The crew of the ship sent a letter for help.
2- Columbus discovered Africa.
3- You needn’t disobey your parents.
4- She can’t have passed the test. She is very happy.

4) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You see a thief running in the street.
2- You are almost sure your father forgot his mobile phone somewhere.
3- Your friend didn’t help a friend in trouble. You advise him.
4- Students say Ali stole a calculator. You are quite sure he didn’t.

 مواضيع مماثلة

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