Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10
Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10

الرئيسيةالرئيسية  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  
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Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2

مؤسس المنتدى

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Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Empty
Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Clock13 2012-04-20, 7:39 am

Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt

Meaning Word Meaning Word
ضابط مراقبة حركة الطيران controller of an airport سر غامض mystery
قائد leader المشى أثناء النوم/ سائر أثناء النوم sleep walking/sleepwalker
رحلة جوية flight بحار sailor
بوصلة compass كابتن captain
رسالة لاسلكية radio message على سطح السفينة أو الطائرة on board
بالضبط – بالتحديد exactly صحفى reporter
منطقة – مساحة area جاهز – مستعد ready
مفقود missing دم blood
مثلث بيرمودا the Bermuda Triangle طائرات البحث search planes
طيار pilot صور تلفزيونية television pictures
جزيرة island غواص diver
طيار تحت التمرين student pilot راكب – مسافر passenger
كنز treasure فنان artist

Past participle Past Meaning Present
set off set off يبدأ رحلة set off
appeared appeared يظهر appear
disappeared disappeared يختفى disappear
returned returned يعود return
reached reached يصل reach
flown over flew over يطير فوق fly over
searched for searched for يبحث عن search for
taken off took off تقلع take off
taken care of took care of يرعى take care of
solved solved يحل solve
got in touch with got in touch with يتواصل مع get in touch with
consisted of consisted of يتكون من consist of
radioed radioed يرسل لاسلكيا radio
sunk sank يغرق – يغوص sink
crashed into crashed into يصطدم ب crash into
communicated with communicated with يتواصل مع communicate with
continued continued يستمر continue
replied replied يرد - يجيب reply
Language Notes
• الفعل arrive يعنى يصل إلى وله حالتان:
1- فعل لازما لا يأخذ مفعولا.
2- فعل متعديا يأخذ مفعول وفى هذه الحالة يليه حرف الجر in إذا جاء بعده مكان كبير (بلد – مدينة)، وحرف الجر at
إذا جاء بعده مكان صغير (حفل – محطة – مطار).
• الفعل reach فعلا متعديا لمفعول وبدون حروف جر.
• When he ………… Rome, a lot of friends met.
• They …………….. in Damascus on Friday.
• We arrived ………….. the party early.
• He has just …………….. .
• By 5 o’clock a.m., we ……………… the city of London.
الجملة الخبريةغير المباشرة 1- Reported Statement
خطوات التحويل:
1- نبدأ بالفاعل قائل العبارة ونجده خارج الأقواس.
2- فعل القول ونراعى أن said تستخدم عند عدم وجود مفعول بالجملة، أما إذا كان هناك مفعول نستخدم told وبذلك
نراعى أن said to تتحول إلى told، ويمكن أن يكون فعل القول: reported – declared – announced …
3- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة that ويمكن حذفها.
4- تحول أفعال الجملة إلى الماضى.
5- نراعى تغير الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب.
1- "I phoned the police." he said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2- "The plane is flying to Luxor." said the pilot.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3- "I visited grandpa every Friday." He said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
4- "We will begin our course next month." said Youssef.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5- "You can look any difficult word you don’t know in the dictionary." the teacher said to me.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
6- "I’m coming home at six." said Nadia.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7- "Salma has been sleep walking." said Hesham.
• ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
أولا: تتحول هذه الكلمات عند التحويل إلى الكلام غير المباشر وهى:

then now
the following day tomorrow
the following next
the day before yesterday
that day today
that this
those these

ثانيا: لا يتحول زمن الفعل فى الجملة الغير مباشرة الاستفهامية والخبرية فى الحالات الاتيه:
1- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع: tell – says
2- إذا كانت الجملة حقيقة ثابتة.
3- إذا كان الكلام قيل من فترة وجيزة.
ثالثا: يمكن التحويل بالعكس من الكلام الغير مباشر إلى الكلام المباشر.
العبارات الوصفية 2- Relative clause
• مجموعة من الكلمات تحتوى على فعل وهما جزء من جملة تصف شىء ما أو شخص ما.
• تستخدم ضمائر الوصف relative pronouns الاتيه فى الجمل الوصفية:
(who – that – which – whom – whose – where – when)
1- تستخدم who – that فى وصف فاعل أو مفعول عاقل.
2- تستخدم whom فى وصف مفعول عاقل.
3- تستخدم which – that فى وصف فاعل أو مفعول غير عاقل.
4- تستخدم whose للملكية بدلا من ضمائر الملكية.
5- تستخدم where (which …. In) فى وصف المكان.
6- تستخدم when فى وصف الزمان.
1- This is the man ----------- invited me to play tennis.
2- July is the month ------------ we take our exams.
3- This is the man ----------- car was stolen.
4- This is the house ------------ I was born.
5- I read the newspaper --------- was on the table.
6- Mr Smith is my neighbour ------------ I meet every morning.
7- The laboratory is the place ------------- we do experiments at school.
8- Luxor is the city ------------------ I work in.
9- This the shop …………… I always buy sweets.
عند استخدام ضمائر الوصل فى سؤال re-write
1- يوضع الضمير بعد الموصوف مباشرا فإذا جاء الموصوف فى وسط الجملة يوضع الضمير بعده بدون تغيرات فى
الجملة، إما إذا جاء الموصوف فى أول الجملة يوضع الضمير بعده مع قلب الجملتين.
2- يحذف اى ضمير من الجملة الثانية يعود على الموصوف.
1- Soha was with a friend. Her sister was a very good artist. (whose)
2- We met Mr Jack. He teaches us English. (who)
3- Alaa lives in Tanta. She goes to university in Cairo. (who)
4- That man rescued my brother. (who)
5- Nadia was in the kitchen. The phone rang in the sitting room. (when)
6- Men from England went to America. They hoped to find gold there. (where)

1) Finish the following dialogue:
Eman is asking Aya about her favourite school subject.
Eman: What’s your favourite school subject, Aya?
Aya: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Eman: ………………………………………………………………………………………...?
Aya: I have been studying it for 5 years now.
Eman: Are you good at speaking it?
Aya: ………………….…… I usually practise it a lot with my family and friends. You know "practice makes perfect."

2) Read and match:

a- one hundred years. ( )
b- "I’m going to be late home". ( )
c- that he had found his lost bag. ( )
d- since she was ten. ( )
e- one thousand years. ( )
f- the place where the boats sank. ( ) 1- Nadia has been sleepwalking
2- Rescue ships hurried to
3- A century means
4- Huda said to me,
5- Hesham told Soha

3) Choose the correct answer:
1- Maha (said – asked – told – spoke) Salwa if she had written the report.
2- That’s the place (when – where – which – what) the police found the hidden treasure.
3- The pilot used a (compass – colour – calculator – camera) to show him directions while flying.
4- Mona always walks to school because her house is (far – close – long – opposite) her school.
5- I think there is something wrong (in – on – with – at) our computer. It doesn’t work at all.
6- Can you tell me about the village (where – which – when – whose) you were born in?
7- My mother was angry when someone (saw – repaired – smashed – cleaned) our window.
8- My big brother always advises me (make – to make – not to make – don’t make) friends with bad people.
9- I (searched of – set off – consisted of – took off) three buildings.
10- If you face any problem, (look after – take down – get in touch with – set off) me at once.
11- He bought a villa (whose – where – which – who) cost him much money.
12- He found the car (that – who – whose – when) he lost last week.
13- This is our neighbour (whose – which – who – where) father is a doctor.

4) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Huda said to me, "I’m going to visit my uncle next week." (that)
2- Sally is very nice. I borrowed Sally’s pen." (whose)
3- Our school is made up of three building. (consists)
4- I bought the car. You had told me about it. (which)
5- We met the man. His car was damaged. (whose)
6- Aya is a pretty girl. She studies maths. (who)
7- Noha is my cousin. She has green eyes. (whose)

5- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Aya told Ahmed that she has visited her friend the day before.
2- The airport chemist sent a message to flight 30.
3- A driver is someone who swims under water with breathing equipment.
4- That’s the boy who bicycle was lost yesterday

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