Unit 14: More new projects انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10
Unit 14: More new projects انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Ezlb9t10

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Unit 14: More new projects انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2

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Unit 14: More new projects انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Empty
Unit 14: More new projects انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2   Clock13 2012-04-20, 7:40 am

Unit 14: More new projects

Meaning Word Meaning Word
واحة-واحات oasis/oases سلم متنقل ladder
مكعب cubic مصباح كهربى bulb
ضخ المياه pumping water أسلاك كهربية electric wires
استصلاح الأراضى reclaiming lands طاقة energy
النقل transport ممنوع الانتظار No Parking
خصب fertile ممنوع التدخين No Smoking
وقفة pause رفيق- زميل-شريك partner
بوابة gate زى موحد uniform
حكومة government مهندس زراعى agricultural engineer
مشروع ضخم huge project مزدحم crowded
بحيرة ضخمة enormous lake وادى valley
قناة رى خراسانية concrete irrigation canal محاصيل crops
صحراء desert منطقة - مساحة area

Past participle Past Meaning Present
saved saved يدخر – يوفر save
changed changed يغير- يتغير change
paid (for) paid (for) يدفع pay (for)
touched touched يلمس touch
turned on/turned off turned on/turned off يشغل/يطفأ turn on/turn off
parked parked يركن سيارة park
smoked smoked يدخن smoke
reclaimed reclaimed يستصلح reclaim
developed developed يطور develop
formed formed يشكل form
joined joined يربط join
pumped pumped يضخ pump
transported transported ينقل transport
irrigated/watered irrigated/watered يروى irrigate/water
planted/grown planted/grew يزرع plant/grow
الإرغام 1- Obligation
• تستخدم التعبيرات الاتيه لبيان الاضطرار والإرغام (must / have to (has to) ويليها فعل فى المصدر.
• I must (have to) take a taxi. I’m late.
• He must (has to) study hard for the exam tomorrow.
• النفى: ننفى هذه التعبيرات كالتالى (don’t have to /doesn’t have to/needn’t)
• I don’t have to hurry. It is still early for the meeting.
• Soha doesn’t have to worry about money as she is rich.
• وفى الماضى نستخدم had to
• I had to wear a coat. It was raining heavily.
• وفى المستقبل نستخدم will have to
• تستخدم للنهى والتحذير
• You mustn’t smoke here. It is a non smoking area.
• You mustn’t make noise in a library.
• يمكن استخدام التركيب اللغوى التالى كبديل ل (must/have to/has to) والعكس وهو:
It’s necessary to + infinitive

• It’s necessary to work hard. (must) (have to)
• It’s necessary for him to travel to Aswan because his father is very ill. (must) (has to)
• It isn’t necessary for Hend to come early. (doesn’t have to) (needn’t)
• وفى الماضى نستخدم It was necessary to + infinitive كبديل ل had to
• It was necessary to visit mu aunt yesterday. (had to)
• It wasn’t necessary for us to hurry, there was still much time. (didn’t have to)
المبنى للمجهول 2- passive voice
الجملة المبنية للمعلوم تتركب كالتالى:

فاعل + فعل + مفعول subject + verb + object

• وعند التحويل للمبنى للمجهول نقوم بالاتى:
1- نحذف الفاعل من أول الجملة ونضع مكانه المفعول.
2- نأتى ب verb to be ويختلف من زمن إلى آخر.
3- فعل الجملة يتحول إلى التصريف الثالث.
4- يمكن أن نأتى بالفاعل بعد by ويمكن الاستغناء عن هذه الخطوة عند عدم وجود ضرورة للفاعل.
5- نكمل الجملة.

• ويكون صيغة الفعل فى المبنى للمجهول مع الأزمنة كالتالى:
مضارع بسيط: (am-is-are) + pp
2- ماضى بسيط: was- were + pp
3- مضارع مستمر: am-is-are+ being + pp
4- ماضى مستمر: was-were + being + pp
5- مضارع تام بسيط: has-have + been + pp
6- ماضى تام بسيط: had + been + pp
7- المستقبل والأفعال الناقصة: will-shall-can + be + pp
1- the government built many new schools all over Egypt. (Many new schools)
2- She is reading a story in the library now. (A story ..)
3- the farmers haven’t planted the sugarcane yet. (The sugarcane)
4- I will need to buy another bag. (Another bag)
5- the house was being painted all the day yesterday. (They)

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- Lots of money (spends – is spending – is spent – are spent) on great projects.
2- You (must – should – needn’t – didn’t have to) borrow money anymore as you’ve got a lot.
3- Crops must be (fed – irrigated – drunk – paid) regularly.
4- Tourism helps Egypt (carelessly – enormously – lately – early).
5- He was seriously injured and we (has to – had to – should – must) take him to hospital.
6- She (must – have got – has got – should) to look after her family.
7- A canal was (built – bought – brought – irrigated) to take water from the river to the farms.
8- (Fertile – Desert – Infertile – Salty) land produces more and better crops.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I’ll need to iron a shirt. (will be)
2- Reclaiming desert land is expensive. (It is)
3- Perhaps the man was a stranger. (been)
4- Do you have to go now? (Must)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Water was been pumped to the farms.
2- Crops will be sold inside and out Egypt.
3- Thank you. I don’t want no sweets.
4- He answered all the question correct.
4) Finish the following dialogue:
A nurse is talking to a patient

Nurse: How are you today, Mr Adly?
Adly: I am not feeling well and my head aches.
Nurse: …………………………………………..?
Adly: Yes, I took it all, but …………………….
Nurse: Why …………………………? I told you before that food is as important as medicine, maybe more.
Adly: Ok, I’ll always have my meals on time.

5) Read and match:

a- expensive cloth to make clothes. ( )
b- spend less and save more. ( )
c- help you. ( )
d- something we put on the floor. ( )
e- people with cars or animals travelling together. ( )
f- because he was late. ( ) 1- Ramy had to take a taxi
2- I’m sorry I can’t
3- caravan is
4- Silk is
5- I advise you to

 مواضيع مماثلة

» Unit 15: I must have lost it انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2
» Unit 12: Different Lives انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2
» Unit 11: A visitor to Egypt انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2
» Unit 13: Buying and Selling انجلش 3 اعدادى الترم2
» لمراجعة الترم الاول2012 مذكرة حاسب الى لغات انجلش ثانى اعدادى قوية

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